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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. Obviously the foreigner who was wrong by coming to Thailand and made the TukTuk driver angry. If the foreigner wouldn't have come to Thailand, he wouldn't have made him angry.
  2. At least blacklist and deport him! Such an abuse can't be tolerated!
  3. Everybody is screaming for the death penalty which doesn't prevent further incidents. I would advocate for total separation of sexes in the education system, no female teacher teaching boys and vica versa and strictly no opposite sex entry to the facilities. Girls would also be able to shine in their abilities and boys in theirs. These 'sexes are the same' non-sense should be stopped, world wide.
  4. A minute silence please for the billions who died from Covid 19. Let's never forget even though it seems nobody cares anymore about those. We don't even have an international day of mourning.
  5. Not much information. Could be also trying to get his gf/wive home but she was just out of control trying to twerk and get the attention of other males.
  6. According to their own calculation, which is 2 murdered civilians for every 1 Hamas fighter. Can you read?
  7. No. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  8. Yeah, seems very low regarding how they are just killing every journalist (97 dead journalists already, it seems they are targeted on purpose) and the people trying to help, like the Kitchen Soup guys who were murdered on purpose. "Israel military says 2 civilians killed for every Hamas militant is a ‘tremendously positive" I wouldn't call CNN credible though, but for this purpose it will do. I wanted to be careful as it seems only sources with 'beautiful' girls are allowed. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/05/middleeast/israel-hamas-military-civilian-ratio-killed-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-officials-2-civilian-deaths-for-every-1-hamas-fighter-killed-in-gaza/
  9. We can also look what the Jewish state themselves tell about how many they are killing. IDF officials stated that they are killing 2 civilians for every 1 Hamas fighter. And according to the Jewish state they have killed 13,000 Hamas, so according to their calculation they murdered at least 26,000 civilians. Their evil deeds know no boundaries.
  10. It's like asking the true expert on that matter, right? Listen to the expert, they say!
  11. God also concluded their religion and then, well the rest is kinda history. 'God's chosen people', the Israelites and today's Jews are not the same in the eye of God. But I get where this is coming from, for Israel committing genocide against the Amalek is their 'God given' right.
  12. I love how people watering down the word 'antisemitic' by using it constantly wrong. The more it's done like that, the less meaning it has! My dog just barked while I was scrolling over the map of Israel,.. ANTISEMITIC! 🤣 The victim card is no longer working after the whole world is witness to the genocide the Jewish state is committing in Gaza and the constant provocations against Iran.
  13. "If they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." So, since we have all concluded that Israel is the aggressor - how far is its lap dog, the US, willing to go for their agenda? I see memes about ads for White boys from the South already to join the military.
  14. The Jewish state was attacking Iranian assets for decades, it's proxies, military personal, military installations, assassinations, Iranian scientists, and so on. It was always tit for tat, a shadow war. What did change recently?
  15. You are allowed to say 'Jews' now and 'Jewish State' is the official political term. Get updated, bro.
  16. It's so cut and dry that the Jewish State is in the wrong here. This was not an aggression by Iran, this was a defensive action and a direct responds to the Jewish attack.
  17. Ok. But your way of writing is so funny. Everybody at the table is trying the most to sound super smart and beat the others and you're like, "bro, you can't just bomb an embassy". 😅 Anyway, you can have the last word for today:
  18. The most hilarious thing was when you said that I personally are not allowed to bomb any embassy but Israel is. 🤣
  19. Wait, now you call it an embassy after writing for days it wasn't an embassy. You're freaking hilarious! 🤣
  20. I don't believe you. It must be a joke to call the IDF a 'credible source'. I agree, a source, but obviously completely and absolutely biased and nothing they say can be trusted.
  21. From the IDF? Is this a joke?
  22. For Judeo-Christians, you are not allowed to be against war and genocide while the main cause and perpetrator is Israel.
  23. You have told? Who are you? We are going circles again because some people don't understand that in fact a part of the embassy, an 'annex building' on the embassy compound has been bombed. If this would happen to the US, it would be treated as what it is, an attack on 'US soil'. Somehow it's the old 'rules for thee but not for me" comes to mind. Let's hear what the other major world power thinks about that: "China condemns the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday." https://english.news.cn/20240402/540059d3ee134cb584c06fa2dc2d29fe/c.html
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