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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. Or the Jewish state of Israel, I agree.
  2. It's also easy to always call the enemy a terrorist. Somehow, we are always funding rebels and the other side is always funding terrorists. Surely I understand why people choose the blue pill and enjoy living in a fantasy. Even Hamas, even though their attacks against random civilians are an act of terrorism, the Hamas is the only level of 'army' the Palestinians were able to scrap together being completely surrounded. Israel is bombing civilians and murdering little kids who throw stones in Palestine since 70+ years. Is it not terrorism? Just because it's done by 'regular army' by a state that is recognized doesn't change that it is still terrorism.
  3. "Bro, just create your own gold backed currency" - Gaddaffi
  4. For me the case is closed as it stands. White guys usually don't commit any terrorism and especially not outside their country in a Muslim country. Some random name don't change that (some of the people you named got prison terms for hanging up posters, not committing murder). "According to Fondapol, a French think tank, between 1979 and May 2021, at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing the deaths of at least 210,138 people."
  5. Hahahah. Oh man, boomers are hilarious. 😅
  6. So it wasn't a terrorist attack. Okay, yeah. It would be unusual for a White guy to do a terrorist attack.
  7. 13 years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks
  8. So, was it a terrorist attack now or not? I am getting confusing messages.
  9. What? Who? I live in a different time where most terrorist attacks are now done by Muslims and terrorist attacks by Whites are unusual. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/unusual
  10. Do you think Israel is a peaceful country? Do you think Israel's lap dog, the US, is a peaceful country?
  11. Yes, it was definitely an act of war to attack the Iranian embassy. So, Iran understood that and retaliated.
  12. Okay, since you brought this up. What does this have to do with war? So we will go to war with Iran to force them to allow transgender children like in the US?
  13. Do that with the wrong person and face consequences. What I usually do is the societal accepted procedure: a) Ask a waitress to help with my luggage b) look for another locker c) Rearrange stuff that everything fits
  14. Yeah, Hitler invaded Poland because occupying the German city Danzig and half of Prussia was out of question and then France invaded Germany. People now say Crimea shouldn't stay Russian. Well, sounds very similar to 'Danzig shouldn't stay Polish'. The US wants wars on 3 fronts now but can only fight one. Let's see what it is. My bet is 'Die for Israel'.
  15. It's not a minor definition though. See what happened with all the myths about WW2. People still claim Germany started it even though we know who declared war on who. So, if there is a WW3 now (which it kinda is already) we should at least accept the fact that they started it again... I mean Israel started it this time.
  16. Okay, there you go. Another NPC unmasked himself. It's not about facts for it.
  17. I don't know why these NPCs are trying to tell us that the building right beside the embassy wasn't part of the embassy compound and thus, part of the embassy. Seems they got so indoctrinated by their media that they always put Israel first instead of putting their own country first.
  18. This is a picture of an US embassy. Please, anybody, point to the annex building which would be okay to attack without the US retaliating.
  19. Never go to female IOs! It should be common knowledge by now.
  20. So, it's okay now to hit embassy compounds which have a consulate on it? NPCs way of thinking is crazy!
  21. Yep. I wouldn't have ignored the plea from the Palestinians for 50 years.
  22. Indeed. Let's keep continue this bickering to help you achieve your goals.
  23. Yeah, and Iran was trying to hit the people who kill Iranians. What's your point?
  24. Read the Wikipedia article and the title, "Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus". It even says "embassy compound". An "annex" building doesn't mean it's not the embassy anymore. It's about facts, not your feelings, Schlomo.
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