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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. Only criminals and wannabe HiSos want to use FIAT Money. Hide something or show-off. Nobody NEEDS FIAT Money!
  2. That's pretty awesome. But does it make a sound we humans can hear? I need to be very diplomatic with the neighbor and his dogs and don't want him to find out that I am torturing his dogs for torturing me with barking 24/7.
  3. We're probably talking about something else 😅
  4. Ok. Yes. My White Boy Summer coming up soon ☺️
  5. Boomers again denying reality. Anyway, start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates Then continue and think if other countries aren't doing it.
  6. You are misinterpreting the law. They were made by the patriarchy to protect the weaker sex, females, in a time where it wasn't just possible to divorce, neither by the government nor by society and the husband was able to beat some sense into his wife to rescue a broken marriage. Nowadays females still have all those protections but also face absolutely no consequences for their behavior, they can sleep around, kill their babies or don't have any at all because 'career', deny sex with their husbands, divorce because they are bored, and so on. Feminism needs to be put on a leash to rescue humanity.
  7. Why would you post a picture of your wife's breast? Do you want other men to masturbate to it? Some decency, please.
  8. Look at the comments of this thread. Everybody understands why 'dad is lost in Thailand', except you. You are still in some boomer century where every boy got a girl. This has changed. Females nowadays choose to have sex with the top 10% and yes, they'd rather date all the same guy than spread their legs for an average dude. And then they murder their babies on a industrial scale or get the baby and then go on Tinder and try to 'settle', aka looking for a beta male provider who will provide for her and her baby. If you want to shutdown sex tourism to Thailand, we need to put out of control feminism back on a leash.
  9. Not really. And also, you are still able to take what you need while in Western countries that won't be possible. And the more Thailand aligns with China, the less American feminism it gets.
  10. Every White man should once go to Pattaya in his life. As a lesson. To learn the value of females and also his own worth and also what options there is if the hag back home starts to deny.
  11. What happened? I was so blinded by the size of Madam' Chickan.
  12. And I could eat German dinner every day! Bread + Wurst or Bread + Cheese or Bread + Wurst + Cheese. Love it! And it was even possible to get a German dinner EVERYWHERE in the WORLD! Imagine that! It's magic! I am even traveling with my own bread baking machine! ☺️
  13. Thailand is dirty is as well. Imagine living in Chiang Mai or going into the water in Pattaya. Lol. About food: People constantly bring this up but I just don't get it. Is somebody forcing you to eat food you don't like? Huh? Why don't you eat Thai food in the Phillipines three times a day.
  14. It's generally a bad choice. You can be lucky and it works as an investment or be lucky to be allowed to live in your condo in 20 years. Or not. The only use case is to store value, that's why people buy them and let them sit empty. But if you aren't rich it's obviously not working, except for those anecdotes about how some random bough a condo and sold it for 3x the price. You can't repeat it.
  15. I think they are checking the non encrypted DNS request to see if you are trying to resolve the website's domain and then block it, and maybe even banned server IPs. But why break the law. It's illegal to use the website, you should accept it.
  16. Nobody said it's easy but you said it's not possible.
  17. How's that a downgrade? Also you were just giving your requirements and the answer for that would be the Phillipines. Now you have more requirements? Well, next time you should be more specific about what you are looking for. 😊
  18. That's incorrect. "The DHCP server is usually under the control of the system administrator and third parties cannot manipulate it. However, an attacker could inject a second DHCP server into the LAN - but he would have to silence the actual, "authoritative" DHCP server. The easiest method is probably to request IP addresses en masse until its address pool is exhausted. The smuggled DHCP server can then step into the breach and assign addresses itself. Once he has bound the target device to himself, he redirects its traffic before VPN encryption and can read along from then on." https://www.heise.de/news/Tunnelvision-Angreifer-koennen-VPNs-aushebeln-und-Daten-umleiten-9710188.html
  19. Yes, generally all VPNs are affected (yes, there are exceptions and probably many VPN providers updated their client already) if you connect to a Wifi where you get your IP assigned by a DHCP and other people except you have access to the Wifi as they can setup a rogue DHCP.
  20. It's not directly a VPN vulnerability but VPNs are vulnerable to it. It's a routing issue, yes. It's also an issue of. "if you let the stranger in yoru Wifi it might be that he sees my traffic even if I use a VPN".
  21. Where are the proofs for your stupid claim.
  22. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. These are the worst creatures; those who read that type of tech articles, while being entirely stupid about tech themself.
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