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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. Okay, yeah. It would be unusual for a White guy to do a terrorist attack.
  2. Correct, newspeech inserted into the NPC brains already.
  3. Calm down, isn't the thread about longevity as well? Microplastics play a huge role. Also I replied to your entire post about meat. If you want only talk about Taurine, already 90% of the posts in your thread are not about it.
  4. Right, we just changed the definition of what Embassies are and Israel didn't attack an Iranian Embassy.
  5. Well, before looking at meat as bad which it isn't, take a look how microplastics is poisoning us on the huge scale, birth defects, lower Testosterone, shrinking penis size, and so and nobody is doing anything about it. "Boys born to expectant mothers exposed to high levels of phthalates showed smaller penis sizes". https://menshealth.com.au/study-links-plastic-to-smaller-genitals/ In the US, they tried to ban a couple of these microplastics of thousands and then it got overturned anyway: https://www.chemradar.com/news/detail/dhdkxgogwu0w But we have to fight global warming by making meat expensive. What a complete hoax while real issues are ignored.
  6. Who put intelligence info away that a Hamas attack is imminent? Who let the most fortified border unguarded at exactly that day? Who is attacking, stealing land and murdering Palestinians since decades? Who planned since the 1990s to take out all the big neighboring Arab states? Who paid off Jordan and Egypt and Turkey to accept peace. Who invented the Abraham Accords to calm down the UAE/Saudi Arabia? Who attacked Iraq and why, twice? Who founded ISIS and attacked Syria? Saying Hamas means you have absolutely no idea what Israel and the Jews around the world are doing for the security for their countryl.
  7. That overlaps, though. The stuff that helps you being active and help leading a quality life later on is also helping with longevity.
  8. TRT is a very good idea if you want to feel like an 18 yo after the age of 40. Also, the TRT regimes usually include HCG which keeps the balls filled with fertility but some choose not to do it because they don't want kids anyway. TRT is usually a life long decision as you are doing TRT because you have low Testosterone and without TRT it will be low again.
  9. Cholesterol by food is debunked since... I don't know, 30 years?
  10. The Axis of Resistances finally fights back! Kinda exactly what Israel planned and wants since decades, though. Get ready White boys from the South to fight and die for Israel, yet another time.
  11. Not yet, but this year. The TRT clinic I went to said 200mg per week as starting point with 3 injections per week to keep estrogen low. I saw your TRT with 250mg every 3 weeks. That's a very old style of administering it as the half life is only 7-8 days depending on the Esther. And a big load also spikes the e2 levels.
  12. Never had a cover. Not seen anything yet to change my opinion, except maybe for that case, however I kinda still have doubts about the identity.
  13. And she got fired because she said Christ is King and called a Rabbi who sells sex toys together with his daughter filth and she just wouldn't back down and kept calling them out. Is was an epic development. You missed it if you are not into US politics. For the other part, I am just so used to choose words carefully because of the usual censorship. You can't just outright name them, that's why you usual call them 'double passport' owners.
  14. Boomers are known to be ignorant and you are just another example.
  15. That's a meme and long time over. Our country is currently occupied by a foreign army (35k+ soldiers) which also blew up the North Stream 2 pipeline. I think it has more to do that Americans are ashamed that the only thing the USA is known of is their global fight to enforce their 'transgender children' agenda aka 'our values' and endless war mongering. At least Germany has Mercedes.
  16. It's not capitalism, it's the perfidious power system 'democracy'. Only in democracies big corps are allowed to poison people and fear no real consequences.
  17. And the story is also that France once banned energy drinks including Red Bull for 10+ years because they thought Taurine is harmful. 😅 Imagine what food has big amounts of Taurine. Meat. Eat more meat!
  18. Taking Taurine since years - 5-10gr daily with months off. It's best after heavy lifting sessions to cool down the CNS/heart, can't live without it. It's in my top 5 of supplements. I am also taking Berberine (similair to Metformin) and low dosage Telimsartan (for lower bp, not a supplement) and Lemon Bergamot (best lipids supp) and TUDCA (best for liver protection). And yeah, I don't drink alcohol and don't smoke and every time I crave sugar I eat beef instead. 😅 And I am taking 2-3 iu daily HGH half of the year even though the studies are not really saying it's life prolonging (unclear) but to feel like the final boss all the time is just awesome. I think the idea of 'life prolonging' isn't really worth looking at (I am under 40, forgive my ignorance if you are older and feel different) but most importantly to enjoy life at the end, including to have and be able to live an active life. I don't see many old guys in my gym even though it is worth it (look at VO2 max longevity).
  19. Hahaha. Nobody likes the US anymore, not even Americans themselves! On the other hand, I am sometimes also ashamed to be a German because our men are mostly non-men now but then somebody raises his hand for a Roman Salute and I am feeling German again!
  20. What. Hmm. Ok. Yes! Anyway. I agree that there is nobody to complain to if someone would be scammed by the promise of getting the overstay cleared and scam is very likely.
  21. What is your guy's budget for a Thai accountant? I can hear their finger rubbing already. I imagine it will be anything between 20k to 40k yearly (less depending on actual work but demand by hundred thousands of expats) to just file it even if you are covered by a DTA and you won't have to pay anything in Thailand. Also the new threads will be funny! Before: 'Denied entry because XY' After: 'Denied leaving because didn't pay taxes' 😅
  22. Are you sure about the 1900 THB per 90 days? Maybe outside of Pattaya but in Pattaya it costs more but you won't even have to queue anywehre, just go counter 5 😅
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