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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. I don't think there is 'bad stuff' in the Bible. Don't just pick stuff from it which you like. It should be the absolute authority. Would women be sentenced/executed/stoned if they commit prostitution in their parents home according to Deuteronomy 22:21? Yes.
  2. Well, I think it is. It is due do biological proven differences and the Islam as a religion just amplifies it. Our (my) faith has violent teachings, too.
  3. It can't be said enough times: Water is essential! https://9gag.com/gag/a8qQOMe
  4. That's why Thailand is asking for a fair share of your money as taxes now. 🤣 My main health care is increasing VO2 max and doing 1h cardio every day. Non-vaxxed so I won't drop dead with 35. But correct, Phillipines is allegedly 30 years or so behind of Thailand. That's a positive to me, not a negative, though. Also, in all fairness, a poorer economy is better as it doesn't incentivize anti male behavior.
  5. I would say it's the last remaining option for territorial tax regime for foreigners in the region with a very lenient tourist visa system. Also, dating for aging men is alleged to be easier. We will see about that 😅 After getting fed with Thai food for half my life I came to the realization a couple of years ago that I don't like it anymore. Steaks and Sauerkraut and Schnitzel and German home made bread, please!
  6. Nope, Phillipines better! 😅
  7. Hahaha, okay buddy, at least that was funny! Anyway, I will move to the Phillipines and don't have to file income tax but thanks for the offer. 😅
  8. For me the question is why the Muslim sleeper cells are activated now. There's only one who's benefiting right now. Otherwise ISIS would attack Israel. Oh, didn't they do that? Yes, they did once. And then they apologized. https://www.humanrightscolumbia.org/political-apologies/isis-apology-israel
  9. Facts. A Muslim killing 6 people in a shopping mall is not a terrorist attacks? In what world? Oh right, in the 'diversity is our strength' world. Stabbing a baby? Happened in Germany 2 weeks ago as well by 'our greatest strength' and they always use newspeech with that kind of things, not a baby but a girl, not a terrorist attack but mental illness, and so on. But I really wonder what recent event happened and what made all the Muslims do their terrorist attacks everywhere in the Western world, which leads people to think less of them. Which country would benefit from having White people seeing Muslims as terrorist right now. Hmmmmmmm 🤫
  10. It would be so epic if Candace Owens would be the VP. But Trump made a deal with the devil worshipers so it's going to be some hardcore double passport agent type of person.
  11. I was 20 at the first Songkran and I never touched so many titties from all kind of nations before. Best fun ever... it got worse once a gang of ladyboys tried to remove my swimming shorts. 🤣 Anyway, where are all the people "it's their country, they can do what they want and you better stfu now". 😅 Just kidding, I understand once you get older, you don't enjoy the same things but you said it correctly, it was fun for you at one point too. Let others have their fun and don't go full boomer mode, you are safe on your balcony!
  12. UK says you can be regarded as non-resident and won't be taxed in the UK so I think this was the best example as Germany doesn't allow that and taxes you regardless if you are resident or non-resident.
  13. And you conveniently left out offshore investments for your 1% tax calculation and the payment to an accountant to file the income tax in Thailand. What about a pension of 50k Pounds + 50k from offshore investments. It's not a question, don't do the math (as you will just calculate how it fits you). 20-30% tax will be the effective rate.
  14. I don't get it. What's the difference between getting smuggled to Thailand instead of Vietnam? Except maybe even getting more money?!
  15. Imagine you receiving your pension tax-free (not taxed in your home country because you are regarded as non-resident (ex. UK)) and have substantial offshore investments and suddenly you have to pay 20-30% taxes on it and still only get temporary stay. Hahahaha. Yes, massa, where I can transfer my tax.
  16. And then you woke up from dreaming that this is how it works or with that low amount of money.
  17. Risk is very low, as proven by 7 month without issue. He will receive a 1 year ban anyway, maybe he has certain issue which prevents him from leaving instantly. Sure, better would be to leave immediately or even better not overstaying but life isn't always just a to b, right?
  18. Fun for everybody, even for you, on your balcony! 🥰
  19. Yeah, you shouldn't murder dictators! Hopefully you don't like murdering non-dictators, as well.
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