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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. I see a prostitute screaming at a client and other prostitutes preventing him from leaving and a forum full of boomers siding with the prostitute.
  2. Germany has a tendency to always lose. But Scotland played so badly, it was hilarious, they never attacked the offensive Germans (60% Germans were on the field). I think Scotland needs more diversity, as they were all White, to win.
  3. Yeah, wokeism has to inject itself everywhere, not even the 397 HP Ford Raptor topic is save.
  4. Yeah, I am always looking for 2nd C63s if I browse for cars. Not many though. But the price is different already, 2mb (C43, 2018-2022 models) vs. 3mb (C63, 2012-2014 models). But in that case I would go for a CLS53, it just looks so awesome. Anyway, I don't have more than 2,5mb to spend, I love pickups and the HP on the Raptor is just insane so I am totally sold on that one, but I don't even know if DTV will make my wishes become real 😂
  5. No electrical vehicles! Ever. I don't like to destroy the Earth with those batteries and the stuff they put in there. EV is only for females and feminists.
  6. At least you are arguing at the lunacy level of NATO! 😂 Everything gets censored away again, so I am out of this thread again.
  7. I have a great idea! Make a peace conference and don't invite the other war participant. Then, tell the winning side that it should agree to unconditional surrender.
  8. So. There's a war right now, right? And peace would mean a ceasefire, right? So, if both party agree on peace and one side doesn't follow it. What would it mean? Let me help you, bro, as you seem to have difficulties with that part. It would mean there would be still war and no ceasefire.
  9. Nah, just another interpretation. I am sticking with my as it seems to be most likely ☺️ It will be either 180 days per visit or per year + 180 days extension per visit or per year.
  10. Yes! Exactly, the money pot must be tapped in before they all spend their money in any other country. Including me. I am on the edge of re-considering staying in Thailand again if the DTV is the solution for 5 year stay.
  11. They can't. It's not easy to leave your home after 10, 20 years. Side note: Only 4500 pensions have been transferred to Thailand for German retirees in 2022 (excluding retirees who are still registered in Germany or just German citizens living there without a pension). And 1300 to the Philippines. I thought these numbers are much, much higher, but avg. German pension is only $1500/m.
  12. Indeed, but the DTV could be a 180 turn. Remember why they want that in the first place. They want to maximize tourists coming to Thailand and stay there and spend their income in Thailand and not all the other Asian and South American countries. It's a smart approach as tapping into that money pot of 20-40 yo's who can afford to live anywhere they want shouldn't be left to other countries.
  13. In the game Tropico you can disable access for locals to the casinos 😂
  14. The Philippines is the best choice because it's literally the only country where you don't have to file income tax as a foreigner, resident or not. The other Asian countries all want you to file income tax as minimum requirement (meaning you have to send in documents for starters, what and how many taxes is another issue), however enforcement is another question. Singapore will enforce it for sure, other Asian countries not so sure.
  15. Why not buy a Ferrari or a yacht or, yeah, and so on. I like pickups and HP. A tuned down EU Raptor with only 300 HP would be out of question. M
  16. I am shorting it with everything I have. The incidents getting worse every month. It's just a matter of time until one of the Boeing crashes and then it will be basically the end of commercial flights as we know. Maybe that's the plan, though. Who knows. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/tui-boeing-flight-bristol-disaster-avoided-b2558536.html https://www.businessinsider.com/southwest-pilot-nearly-crashed-flight-into-the-ocean-report-2024-6
  17. You are interpreting a guy who was interpreting the official info very badly. In Germany we call that 'Stille Post' ('Silent Mail'), the translation seems to be 'Chinese Whispers'. Very fun game, indeed!
  18. Why not? Remember why they are planning this visa. Exactly for that reason! But I doubt it will be masses. The competition has increased while Thailand was sleeping. Also, not everybody can afford this lifestyle, the masses are definitely still bound to wageslaving it away in their passport country and just dreaming about it while watching youtubers.
  19. No, because retirees are not digital nomads and thus IOs will be very likely to ask you to choose the right visa appropriate for your age. This makes no sense. Why the 5 year period. Why call it 'multiple entry' visa. It will be either 180 days per visit or per year + 180 days extension per visit or per year.
  20. At one point you will have to tell who 'they' are.
  21. What's wrong about a backpacker with a laptop? He was able to afford to come, he is able to afford his life, and he won't bother you nor anybody else. And even normal Thais and not the 'conglomerates' profit as he will be the guy spending all his income in Airbnbs owned by middle class Thais, family restaurants, street food and taxis and not sit on his 1mb 'view talay' balcony with his Makro food and beer and being grumpy. I just don't get it why this is an issue.
  22. You are in the Football forum, you seem to care as well. ☺️
  23. This is not for 'business type nomads', this is for the 'enjoy life nomads' (you wouldn't know). Also 'wreck havoc'? Don't worry, nobody will bother you on your balcony. If a Permanent Tourist or in newspeech 'Digital Nomad' earns $3000 a month it's a very good income (a hospital doctor in Germany who went 8 years to university earns that after tax) but he wouldn't be able to afford 900,000 THB because boomers have given us this economy/society where we have to spend our 2/3 of our money on rent and groceries. Besides that, financial proof of 500,000 THB is also a probable requirement. Seems to be just another jealous boomer who wants that younger people work to pay taxes. 'Son, you have to work in factory for 40 years, then you can enjoy your life'.
  24. No chance. Hahahaa.
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