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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. Then don't inject yourself with non-sense. Anyway, you can have the last word:
  2. You can't be bothered but have to find something to box me in? Let me help you, though, as you seem to not get it right! I am a Reactionary Christian Nationalist.
  3. Are you talking about this German democratic political party that a democracy like Germany must fight against to protect democracy? 😂 No, no. I am against democracies. For God, King and Country!
  4. Yeah. Perhaps. Probably. Maybe. Aren't arrival 'visas' extensions as well? Perhaps you can even get the 5 year validity visa multiple times and just use it until they scrap it again. Would be awesome. I am excited nevertheless!
  5. Fly in. Get 60 days on arrival + extend for 60 days. Get 5 year 180 day visa, extend for 180 days. 480 days without leaving. We're so back! Based Thailand!
  6. Okay, but why would Russians be against Putin? Because they made being homo illegal? Don't think so! They just expressed their total support for him in the recent election. 88%. Angela Merkel was 16 years chancellor of Germany and nobody even voted her (impossible to vote directly). Somehow these real leaders are responsible for what they are doing while in 'real democracies' nobody is responsible for anything and they just get replaced to continue their fight against their own citizens.
  7. I would punish you as well if hordes of high fertility males from incompatible cultures with the promise of getting access to young females invading Germ,.. I mean Thailand!
  8. I am pro Ukrainian (the people) and pro Russia (the nation) but first and foremost I am Germany First and this means no European wars on the back of Germany's economy for the former territories of the Ukraine on behalf of the USA. Unfortunately Germany's government always chooses the path against Germans.
  9. Woah woah, don't need to get passive aggressive on me! I am happy for you that you found a Thai wife!
  10. You choose that country yourself. Nobody forced you?
  11. Indeed! The Christian country is the Phillipines, though.
  12. Ehm. Are you saying Crimea isn't part of the Ukraine and should not be invaded by the Ukraine to take it back? Well. That's what Hitler did. Danzig was German and was occupied the same way you think Crimea is occupied. Simple question: Should the Ukraine take back Crimea? If yes, then you support Hitler taking Danzig. Also, which war started and by whom?
  13. Hello Ukrainian Neo Nazi! That's why the Ukraine has a President whose term ended. 😂😂😂 Z.
  14. If that's the case, feel free to call the police if you see any lawbreaking. Thailand is a pretty serious country and deals with foreign lawbreakers swiftly.
  15. Here we go again. Boomers getting scared that 'their' Thailand is used by young guys as playground. 'Son, you have to work 40 years in a factory before you are allowed to enjoy your life.' The time has changed. Even 'digital nomad' word is outdated. It's now just called work because today's work does not have to be in a factory and can be done everywhere. Get updated.
  16. Ok. This is not the thread for fantasies, though. 🥺
  17. So you want to get a visa where you are allowed to stay 180 days and aren't allowed to work instead of 365 days and can work by using the appropriate visa for businesses/work? Sounds stupid.
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