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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. What's that red armband of the not-shooting-the-visible-shooter-on-the-roof police hero sniper? Tucker wears one, too 🤫 Everything too obvious again. Get ready for Iran, White boys.
  2. I don't get it, if it's not getting hard, take a cialis/viagra? Doesn't it solve the issue? Slightly going off topic here, I love sex, no doubt, but it seems I total overestimated the importance it has on my life after being celibate for a couple of years, now back in Asia, there's just plenty available, with stunning hot 18 yo girls, and it all seems absolutely meaningless. It's just as always, the things you desire most become less desirable once you have them.
  3. Yes. Ok. I doubt though, that they will make issued 5 year visas invalid. They might stop issuing those at one point, but at least once given, it will be valid for 5 years.
  4. For people like me (under 50) the unlimited 60 day exemptions are an easy solution to stay permanently in the country. I did the border bounces constantly in the 2000s, sometimes flying in/out of the country every 30 days because I didn't know better (didn't consider ED visa or any other visa agent route), even in the days of 14 days stamps. At the end I just overstayed on year per year basis because nobody cared anyway.
  5. Everything turns out even better than imagined! Unlimited 60 days land entry stamps and DTV means they want us back.
  6. No. Sir, please get appropriate visa, you are not a digital nomad and are married and/or are in retirement age. Please step aside, next.
  7. It would be marked as 'Opinion' in a political context. But it can be facts for you.
  8. China isn't happy that Thailand allowed cannabis to become legal and thus, threatened to stop tourism to Thailand if they don't stop it.
  9. Never. And that's one of the perks.
  10. .in.th has nothing to do with India. in.th is managed by THNic as well as co.th and the others.
  11. Guys! Any new updates or rumors I didn't hear yet? I didn't come to the forum for a while and didn't look at anything, but it still looks like nothing new has evolved around the DTV.
  12. Illegal agents? So, the roads where durgs are smuggled are illegal now? What?
  13. Calm down now, Germany lost.
  14. Yes, indeed. I suspect the biggest amount of the 1.8% addition to Thailand's GDP doesn't even come from us but from Thais working overseas. Imagine, there are only 4400 German pensions (official) being sent to Thailand.
  15. These are very country specific aspects and this might be a "loophole" which is fixed after 10 years, or it won't ever or it will be very soon. Some countries include that in their DTAs that a minimum amount of taxes have to be paid, otherwise the full taxes of the country of your residency (ie. 183 days+) will be due.
  16. We know the media makes the facts (as seen by events unfolded in 2019/2020), though. This time we can hope they influence for our benefit, though.
  17. Yes, according to stats of GDP by 'personal remittance' we basically have no influence on the Thai economy as a whole. However on a personally level, we change entire families. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.TRF.PWKR.DT.GD.ZS?locations=TH
  18. I am not trying to scaremonger, I am just able to read the room. I started first in Thailand with just overstaying 2-3 years in my 20s and nobody cared, going to a bank and seeing some foreigner dropping a couple of million of bahts from his backpack on the table, and seeing where we are now.
  19. You won't. Depending on the DTA you could even pay less. If no DTA, then you gonna pay double. The main issue is however for probably most of retirees: Extra bureaucratic stress + you have to file for taxes, meaning you will have to document everything and pay an accountant. Also, for people having f. ex. a dividend paying broker account under a Caribbean offshore company, de facto paying 0% taxes, suddenly have to file and pay income taxes.
  20. Muahahhahahahahahaha. Thailand!
  21. Let's see what Switzerland is going to do against Germany! I am totally for Germany and I have been enjoying the EM so far, much more than the WM and I am thrilled about all the next matches I am gonna watch!
  22. I have watched a couple of matches. Austria vs. France and even France won, Austria could have been the winner as well. Slovenia pretty strong as well (okay, only against DK). Serbia 2nd half awesome against 1,5 BILLION England. And Switzerland vs. Hungary... the Swiss, this will be extremely hard for Germany. Well, the last years Germany was just so bad. Lost against the Ukraine, Poland, Columbia, Japan, Mexico, Austria. Literally lost every single game that mattered in the last 3 years. Also they went full homosexual propaganda in Qatar and to many Germans it looked like homosexual propaganda was more important than winning. Germany was good once, it changed a lot, now with Toni Kroos back, it looks like it is getting better!
  23. And very interesting, Mohammed also said that God said that everybody can get 4 wives but he, Mohammed, can have unlimited. 😂 Christ is King.
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