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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. No. You're delusional. Just check what the GDP influence of expats in Thailand is. "Home owners". Lol. So, the people who bought their Mia Farang a house and aren't even renting?
  2. I would pay 20,000.
  3. Source? Why would anybody travel to the border if you can just go to a visa agent and give him 1000 THB to do the leg work? Or even the cheap charlies could just go to the immigration themselves and are done with it in a cuple of hours. Makes no sense skipping the extension.
  4. And the only people grumpy about it are boomers who spent their entire life in a factory and don't want young people enjoy their lives. "Son, you must stay in your home country, pay taxes and once you're 67 you are allowed to have fun!" 🫠
  5. Boomers, hide your young wives, hordes of young and healthy White chadlike foreigners will arrive and will make them go wild!
  6. White foreigners hating other White foreigners? So uncommon! Never heard of that story before!
  7. The Philippines offering an only 210 HP Raptor as well. What a waste. Now with the DTV and the unlimited 60 days border hops my dream might become reality!
  8. I was part of the fight club the entire 13 years of my education journey, aka 20% real Germans left while 80% were muslims. At least they were able to show us German kids what to think about feminism and how to treat women accordingly 😇
  9. And why care? Are you a feminist? She can divorce because she's bored anyway, why waste time about feelings that change daily and are based on the latest facebook post she read.
  10. No, it's not a choice anymore, they turn your child homo in the Kindergarten and you can't do anything about it.
  11. I tried a lot of different variants and the nausea is there no matter what.
  12. I have doubts that this works - the embassy would mark the "lost" passport as lost/stolen and it would be no good at any passport check.
  13. Well, I "lost" the regular passport 2x times and then just switched to the 1 year validity passport solving the "issue" for having so many stamps in there. I once lost one of them for real on a Sunday and had a flight the next day and the embassy staff replaced it within a hour even though the Thai staff at the gate were rude to me, the German in charge came out, handshake, apologized for the Thais rudeness and gave me the passport. The 'private area' for German citizens is also different to the one were all the Thais wait, not crowded and with aircon. Seems Uk and Germany embassies are different, indeed.
  14. How so? I replaced my German passport a lot of times and it was never a hassle.
  15. Ok, boomer 😊
  16. I tried PT 141 and the nausea is insane. Yes, it gives incredible hard erections and the orgasm is crazy, but it's not worth the side effects.
  17. 5mg daily Cialis doing that? Wow, you should publish your study! Maybe the other boomer, Celsius, will provde sources as well 😆 HGH will kill off your erections? Wow, basically the opposite of what the facts are! This forum is such a rich source of wisdom!
  18. Your spitefulness is a clear sign though, that you are indeed a boomer.
  19. Updates installed! 😂
  20. Especially sad that I am in my 30s and you are not, boomer 😂 Not taking Viagra. Also, you forgot HGH!
  21. That's tmi, boomer 😊
  22. I am in my late 30s and take daily cialis 5mg-10mg and also add 20mg sometimes. It's a nice feature, especially with a new girl. Also, I take HGH and the difference is, my morning erections are so much better now. Before I didnt have them every day, now it's just every day, regardless of bad sleep or drunk.
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