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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. Why nobody can read anymore? "180 days, [..], with a 10,000 baht filing fee each time." You go out, you come back 180 days = 10,000 THB
  2. "stay up to 180 days per visit, on a multiple-entry basis within 5 years" If this is gonna happen, that you can just do a border run for another 180 days after 180 days and pay 10k and this for 5 years straight, it's gonna be epic, finally a long term visa for non-boomers! Thailand will finally become the Digital Nomad Hub it wanted to be! And someone I have the feeling this '180 days' is going to be an open secret loophole to be tax exempt and boomers can't just use it because they are married or retired and not Digital Nomads! IOs will be like 'you old, you go other visa' if they try to apply, hahaha!
  3. Well, they are not amused. But his Jewish enemies like the ADL surely like the move away from a right wing position ('no pornography').
  4. Yeah it's perfidious. Voting means you accept whatever they will do to you and you can't do anything about it. Just vote harder, bro!
  5. The most strict tax authorities are to be found in Democracies.
  6. Read the room. Thais looking at foreigner residents in Thailand not paying taxes will scream 'dirty falang'. You can be sure to face the full wrath of Thailand's tax authority.
  7. It's easier to tax foreigners than Thais, though. It's just so easy to add it to requirements of the long term visas. Also, Thailand is still not a real democracy so it's more important to actually do something for Thais instead against Thais and enforcing taxes to be paid is democratic but not pro Thais.
  8. Here you are my friend: https://aseannow.com/topic/1329064-covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/
  9. Well, I didn't take the clot shot and think that covid is the flu and everything was a complete hoax. But the excess death rate is a hoax. It was used by the covid hoaxers in the fake pandemic as well. Excess death has something to do with birth rates. Yeah, boomers are called boomers... exactly.
  10. Depending on which residency address you provided to your bank/brokerage and what the DTA between the countries of your bank/brokerage and Thailand says. Many DTAs are just in place to hide the AEOIs (Automatic Exchange Of Information). Thailand recently applied CRS to all banks and so on which is the first step into the AEOIs in the direction of TH -> Your country. And the next step is most likely to get the AEOIs from other countries into Thailand going which means your bank/broker outside of Thailand will submit data to Thailand, automatically.
  11. You will be allowed to continue to beg for 1 year extensions!
  12. Or remember the Philippines with VIP treatment with territorial tax only for foreigners. Who are Required to File Income Tax Returns? Aliens, whether resident or not, receiving income from sources within the Philippines. https://www.bir.gov.ph/index.php/tax-information/income-tax.html 🥰
  13. You're mixing those things. Citizenship is something different than residency.
  14. I know only a handful of countries who don't tax residents (ie. 183 days+ residency) on their worldwide income. It is common - as a resident of a country - that you pay tax on your worldwide income.
  15. You seem so sure about this as well, that it has to applied for outside of the country. Can you give me a source? I mean, it sounds plausible but a confirmation would be nice.
  16. But in all fairness, isn't it fair that you give Thailand a fair share of you money for allowing you stay in their country? You should actually ask to have this applied retroactively!
  17. Don't you understand what a DTA is? I don't want to bicker with you. It's very simple. You paid tax anywhere in the world and this country has a DTA with Thailand? You don't pay tax but have to file for tax anyway but will pay 0 tax. You didn't pay tax anywhere on some money you got and put it in some Swiss bank? You have to file for tax and pay Thai taxes on it. Or hide it and be a criminal.
  18. If you didn't pay tax anywhere for it - yes.
  19. A DTA is essentially there to prevent - here it comes - double taxation. This means, if you paid taxes in A, you should be able to prevent to pay taxes in B, according to the specific DTA. Thailand's step to tax resident foreign income irrespective of remittance does not 'nullify a DTA' as you claimed.
  20. No, they mean you have to show your income and that you filed already for taxes.
  21. Hahahahaha. The Phillippines look better every day. And the best part is, even if you are covered by a Double Taxation Agreement (meaning you got fleeced already in your passport country or wherever your money is taxed already) you have to file for taxes every year which will cost 10,000 - 20,000 THB done by an accountant.
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