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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. If I hear another Thai girl saying 'Tesco Lotat' instead of 'Tesco Lotus' I won't guarantee for anybody's safety!
  2. Once the US has no more money to finance the warmongering against China, it will let the Phillipines go and it can align it self with China and China will flood it with money because of the cheap work force. We can only hope the mad brute, the US, will sink sooner than later. But it will.
  3. Doesn't sound like a bad thing.
  4. And to certain extent instill fear to the females. I don't say you have to get physical with your wife - disclaimer: I have and I would - but she should always be aware that there can be real consequences for bad behavior. I am disgusted by the boomers who let themselves be treated by their Thai wives - in public, mind you - like a cuck, bossing them around, and so on. This is absolutely unacceptable and the worst part is, other Thai/Asian females see this and copy that behavior, leading to exactly that, more feminism, that everybody hates.
  5. Christianity is a plus for me, the guy who made the list. Of course the Phillipines has less prostitution. Just compare Angeles vs. Pattaya.
  6. Yeah I would agree to a certain extent but it's still behind. Indoctrination by social media which leads to envy is just what it is. But if in your reality - not on social media - everybody has an Iphone (or something else of 'status') you are forced to follow, if everybody around you just has an $100 phone, it won't matter as much.
  7. You kinda did. I just said that it would be possible to marry a virgin in the Phillipines. And I still believe that, with a little bit of effort. The huge difference to Thailand is that even the most rural girl will be able to communicate in English. So the chances are just much higher. Who in Thailand speaks English and who of those are interested in 'farang'? I have time, not need to rush things. Otherwise I could just go on and use harlots and hire somebody to clean my house. Wouldn't make a difference. I am not in need of somebody who gives me 'emotional support' and hug me if I cry because the climate is changing. That's unfortunate to hear! But that's life, I guess. "Our pain has purpose".
  8. You think I would ask her if she's a virgin? In Facebook messenger? As a Christian? A fundamental Christian female? Okay. We live in a different world! Anyway. Nice that you enjoyed your life at a time when there weren't any phones! In my youth we also didn't have any phones (or just those cool Nokias) and it was amazing to actually interact with girls back then. Poor boys nowadays are completely left out of it as their female counterparts are chasing some randommale underwear model in some other part of the world.
  9. Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia. Yup, as a said. Unwanted criminals.
  10. That's the old times. Who wants to go to America nowadays? It's only the unwanted, uneducated and criminals, to get the free handouts.
  11. Yeah, opinions differ, especially in different age groups - I am mid 30s. I have lived in Thailand for a very long time and then I started the adventure to the Phillipines and I have multiple Mormons and other fundamental Christian 18-20 yo girls in my Facebook messenger and I doubt that they are not virgins anymore.
  12. Thai Girls: - Cute faces - More petite / slimmer - Less emotional - you most likely will land a former bar girl - Probably older than you - More money focused - More dominant later in relationship - Voodoo religion and fear of ghost - Western feminism is coming - Will replace you if you don't feed the water buffalo Filipinas: - Not so cute faces - Petite girls are not unusual but lesser - Can be very clingy, 1st date on Airport and it's already a marriage - You can even land a virgin if you are serious about marriage - 10-20 years younger than you - Money is a factor, but not to extreme levels - will stay submissive if you don't export her to your country - Christianity - Western feminism is coming as well, but at a much slower pace (divorce still illegal?) - Chances are slim that she will actually divorce you
  13. This is what he told them and you believed but the reality could be a daily visit to his local girlie bar.
  14. And the "Elite" and politicians work for their own country, Russia, and not for a foreign country like in the US, otherwise face Gulag!
  15. The issue I have is with dating in Russia. If I would move there, how would I get one of those Russian White princesses with these Aryan facial features? It seems it's impossible! I have to stick to Asian girls as they aren't so picky and even take the worst out of shape balding beer belly boomer as long as he builds a house in Nahkon Nowhere and buys some gold chains.
  16. My new coffee machine arrived yesterday and I made some exquisite coffee today! It's amazing!
  17. They are a hostage ("aligned") of the US so the Philippines will stay poorer than other Asian countries who allow Chinese investment.
  18. Whoever liked Thailand 15 years ago will love the Phillipines. Also, don't forget the other perks the Phillipines has to offer: - Easy Visa for under 50 yo's - No Taxes for Aliens - Christianity - Good Thai food - More travel options - Less prostitution - natural beaches
  19. Oh, I thought you had it and can give some review about if it's actually true what is written on the product details. Nevermind, I forget it's a spiteful boomer forum.
  20. I think the dogs know this but they are still barking.
  21. Yeah! I am looking into it as we speak. The issue is 'dating'. As one of those 'handsome' leftovers who go to Thailand to get a girlfriend, I have doubts that I will be a hit with the local Russian women with those Aryan facial features.
  22. No. What? There are no 'crypto accounts'. You download a wallet and only you have access to your Crypto coins. Crypto was and still is to some extent giving power back into the hands of the people. The same way the Internet was and could have been, until it was taken over by commercial monopolies. Obviously boomers understand none of that. Wrong political opinion = Debanked. "It is estimated that almost 90,000 individuals have been categorised as “politically exposed persons”, leading to some politicians or their families being turned down by banks." https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jul/30/uk-banks-closing-more-than-1000-accounts-every-day https://www.businessinsider.com/trudeau-canada-freeze-bank-accounts-freedom-convoy-truckers-2022-2 https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/afds-tino-chrupalla-de-banked-cites-political-reasons/
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