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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. If Thai wages were doubled then the cost of everything goes up and less people visit Thailand.
  2. So you believe it is ok to date minors.
  3. You are paranoid about something. Tell us what you did.
  4. Very strange behaviour and responses. No normal adult acts like that.
  5. You call people fascists for talking like a regular person.
  6. What a total over reaction. You must be scared of something.
  7. Best not to tip. Easy to remember then.
  8. Fascist witch hunt is fairly extreme. You just won't answer a basic question of morals which already gives the answer it is a yes from you.
  9. Dodging the question answers the question.
  10. Still avoiding the topic. We know where you stand then as you refuse to condemn it.
  11. More people use booking sites rather than paying hotels direct so they need less cash, then use debit cards for some items.
  12. Why are you dancing around the topic? It is about the age of consent and relations. A regular adult would just say they are against relations with minors. You refuse to do this for some reason. We can only guess why.
  13. You are posting on it. So you are saying you are one.
  14. Something wrong with you. The topic is about relationships.
  15. Make up your mind. Before you condoned relations with minors and only stated they were not children.
  16. Your posts are weird. You condone relations with minors.
  17. Are you playing games? We are discussing adults having relations with younger people.
  18. The last 3 pages are about sex with 16yos and above.
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