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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. It seems quite obvious that the authorities in Chaing mia, are covering up here. Unless their Pathologists are not capable of finding out what is actually happening there (which is probably the case)

    All travel agencies world wide should now be warning people not to travel to Chaing Mia and if they have booked to make other arrangements. Also at least the National Embassy's of the victims, should get involved and demand that there own Pathologists are brought in to take over. They must be made to understand that they need us more than we need them.

    Well done NEW ZEALAND. :clap2:


  2. I looked into this, and you can do it pretty easily yourself, but a plumber can't do it, at least where I live, as it is against code. It has something to do with back pressure, safety valves, and I really don't know what else.

    Yes that is correct. Because the bum wash end is effectively an open end. The theory is that it could be left in stagnant/ contaminated water, which could syphon back into the main and contaminate it. Which I have always disagreed with, as you would have the syphon pressure of practically zero, trying to take the contaminated water back, against a mains pressure. In the UK of anything from 30 to 80 lb per sq inch. Not going to happen. But guess what HSE. So you have to fit an anti vacuum valve/ non return.

    Just another piece of useless information.


    Just to add of course mains water in the UK is also drinking water.

    Do you mean they think you will leave the shooting end in the toilet bowl? If it is like in Thailand, the thing hangs up outside the bowl.

    And what is the difference between one in the bathroom and one by your kitchen sink?

    I know you wrote you disagree, but I still wonder what their problem is on this (writing as a man with a Thai bum gun sitting in his bathroom closet back in the US).

    It can and has happened and caused numerous related illnesses and deaths to masses of people in some communities it's not just a knee jerk reaction. The scenarios for this happening are far and wide ranging and too many to fully explain but say for example that yes, someones adventurous child had played with and left the bum gun in a toilet and then for whatever reason the water pressure dropped in the system for any length of time it then becomes a back siphon and sucks this contaminated water back through the system and can spread disease from there far and wide once water is pumping again, similar scenarios have occurred so this is not far fetched..

    It is one of many reasons we ALWAYS boil our drinking water here at hoke or use only bottled water outside given the careless and indiscreet manner in which the bum gun is handled here and then left in the cistern next to the toilet to refill it combined with the numerous water cut offs here it's incredible there has not been a wholesale intestinal catastrophe here yet that has been publicized anyway (yet)....

    Thank you warpspeed. If anyone thinks that is incorrect, May I suggest that you google the UK water regs?

    Also the treaded ends of fittings here are standard BSP 1/2", 3/4", 1" etc.

  3. "Thalang police found three 11mm bullet casings and three unspent 11mm bullets at the scene"

    I wonder why there were 3 unspent shells at the scene also. A dirty semi-auto that kept jamming or a malfunctioning gun. It just seams odd to me that they would find them there.

    I thought that odd, he was shot four times?


  4. They're the best option we have at this juncture. Coal, oil will be out soon and, in any case, kills, maims, pollutes far more people than nuclear. The Japan plant in question is old hat and lives near the Pacific Ring of Fire in the path of potential tsunamis. You put them in the right place, have enough supply backups (gennies > batteries > jet engines), manage the little waste properly and fanny's your aunty. It's a fantastic concept (in the right hands) and there should be a lot more of them. Unless someone comes up with a viable alternative (millions of wind farms won't cut it) there ain't really another option.

    Little waste? More plants more waste all being stored underground. I am no Nuclear expert, but all that waste undergrond, scares the crap out of me.

    Wind farms, Solar Energy. That is where all the research should be aimed. Ok maybe wind turbines are a bit on the large side, so were the first computers. Way to go for me.


  5. The police need to cordon off the area with blue ribbons and inflatable yellow bears, passing out candy canes and gummy bears, playing happy music and sprinkling everyone with glitter!

    The police themselves could dress up in two piece jackass costumes and let the protesters take turns kicking them in the ass!

    At least that wouldn't be as embarrassing as what's going on now.

    Or they could get real and meet with handbags at dawn.


  6. [quote name='Goinghomesoon' timestamp='1300096937' post='4281458

    Hi TimA, yes sorry in fact they did give him something to calm him. I'm not sure if that is what you are referring to. It took a few doses and he very quickly went from raging to super-relaxed, almost comatose. For the remainder of the two weeks in hospital they spent time dosing him up with a couple of medications that require a gradual build-up in the system before they take effect. By all accounts before he became an addict he was a placid, lovely young man. Unfortunately it's easy to forget there is a person inside that needs help when he is raging and trying to harm others.

    It was probably something like Largactil (spelling might not be correct)


  7. Most people in the UK and USA think we are all pedophiles.

    As that is what the media pushes

    Never had anyone accuse me of getting a sex slave!


    Back on topic.

    Why worry about being told lies, the sensible person in a relationship in any country, protects his/her assets.

    Those that trust a spouse with their hard earned, will likely lose it,although not necessarily today.

    Divorce rates are 50% and rising, protect it or lose it.

    Wise words oh master and anyone who does not heed is asking for loss.


  8. I looked into this, and you can do it pretty easily yourself, but a plumber can't do it, at least where I live, as it is against code. It has something to do with back pressure, safety valves, and I really don't know what else.

    Yes that is correct. Because the bum wash end is effectively an open end. The theory is that it could be left in stagnant/ contaminated water, which could syphon back into the main and contaminate it. Which I have always disagreed with, as you would have the syphon pressure of practically zero, trying to take the contaminated water back, against a mains pressure. In the UK of anything from 30 to 80 lb per sq inch. Not going to happen. But guess what HSE. So you have to fit an anti vacuum valve/ non return.

    Just another piece of useless information.


    Just to add of course mains water in the UK is also drinking water.

  9. I thought there was going to be a massive shortage because of the floods. So prices were going to be sky high.

    On another note what a sick society this is. The poor farmer as we hear all the time gets a pittance. Somehow from the farmer up big bucks are made. Did someone earlier mention fair trade?


  10. You guy's are lucky. When I was living in the wilds of Korat, I was bitten so much, I got dizzy spells,went to doctor, he tells me I've got Hematology fever. Two days in hospital on a drip. People laughing at me? They found it funny that Farang in hospital with yung fever, as by the age of around 20 you become immune to it. For about a year after I was still getting giddy spells when I laid my head down. Not good. :realangry:


  11. Hello.

    Thanks for your messages.

    Again I m posting a message on behalf of my friend........this is not a Troll posting as some have suggested.

    My friend has many regrets that the relationship has not worked out but now his wife is living back in Thailand with the children. He is fully supporting his children but feels that he let his children go too easily.

    The children have dual nationality, 2 passports and he wishes to bring them back to the uk and take care of them himself. Should she not agree is there any way he could bring them back by means og the law, also can a father kidnap his own children.

    He is due to seek legal advice but often there is good advice on here so suggested that I would post on his behalf to get an idea.

    Please help my friend by offering good sound advice...thanks...slippery

    Sorry but I can not believe that you have put this post on this site. You are asking people who don't know the full story to give you advise. Only you know the whole story. All you can do is go to a Lawyer, seek legal advice and act accordingly. If it means coming back to Thailand to nick the children back, that can only be your decision and your risk.

    I wish you good luck whatever you decide?


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