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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Be interesting to see if the bodies of the British couple are repatriated rather than cremated in LOS. Under English law an inquest would then have to be held. I think the coroner would raise an eyebrow at this particular "coincidence" and order another autopsy. Even with the passage of time there could be some interesting results emerging.

    It would be nice to think so. Do not be suprised to read in a couple of days time, that they have been cremated already.

    The British Embassy should have stepped in from the very beginning. Sadly that would have meant doing their job. Just like during the troubles last year. They shut up shop.

    I do so hope that the British media pick up on this and really go for it. Expose the corruption of the Thai authorities, for ehat they really are and the British Embassy, for once again just sitting on their a-ses and pandering to the Thai government wishes.

    Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't thailand need authority from family before they simply cremate a farang who died from coincidence?

    Yes in the real world you are correct. But I do seem to remember an instance last year on TV, that it did happen to someone. One of the girls on Phi Phi comes to mind, but I may be wrong. But I am sure that I did read of it happening in Thailand.


  2. That is a huge bust and will have rippling effects on the market.

    All a bust like this does is push the price up on the street. Many other manufacturers and dealers will be happy with this bust. Now, they can demand more money for their product as competition is less.

    Don't forget, when the price of drugs on the street goes up, so does crime, because now you have to get more cash to support your habit.

    Do you feel safer after this bust, I don't.

    Absolutely. Come on the Police were suspicious? Tip off more like from the opposition more like. As you say just ups the price.

    A big bust. Wander what the real amounts were??


  3. Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

    Yes he is called the Prime minister.


    Well answered. But if number one can't or won't do a thing about this attitude it really shows there's no hope the rest of the crabs in a barrel.

    Frightening hey.


  4. Why do they even make these statements. Do they think the entire Western population put our heads in the sand and pretend we know nothing like these idiots. We grow up learning to think outside the flock and to question things. Don't they even have one person amongst them who lived in the West for years who can tell them how these kind of statements will be received? So much for attracting quality tourists. A long long way to go before they even have people who know how to use a mop properly(read,use clean water) let alone do a police job efficiently. The Chinese, Indians and Russians can have the place and good riddance.<br>

    Yes he is called the Prime minister.


  5. The sad thing is, I have become numb to this sort of news. I expect it, I know the answer before I get to the end of the first paragraph. I don't even blink anymore!

    I hope I become more compassionate when I move back to the UK.


    Hopefully without moving back to the UK my compassion for the victims will remain the same, but my disdain for the authorities increases daily.

    Thaddeus. I feel the same as you. But with stories such as this, happening far to often and the general every day corruption, it is gradually gnawing away at me.


  6. Be interesting to see if the bodies of the British couple are repatriated rather than cremated in LOS. Under English law an inquest would then have to be held. I think the coroner would raise an eyebrow at this particular "coincidence" and order another autopsy. Even with the passage of time there could be some interesting results emerging.

    It would be nice to think so. Do not be suprised to read in a couple of days time, that they have been cremated already.

    The British Embassy should have stepped in from the very beginning. Sadly that would have meant doing their job. Just like during the troubles last year. They shut up shop.

    I do so hope that the British media pick up on this and really go for it. Expose the corruption of the Thai authorities, for ehat they really are and the British Embassy, for once again just sitting on their a-ses and pandering to the Thai government wishes.

  7. I am no building expert. When I had a house built in Korat, we w done the compacting bit, I think it was left about 18 months

    to 2 years. During and after completion of the house, we still got massive holes appear around the sides of the house, after heavy rain.

    It may be just my opinion, but I would forget the compacting (which I think is to expensive anyway) and instead go for piling by way of fabricating concrete pillars, then form concrete joists and infill with concrete blocks, as is I would Imagine the way they do it on the first floor (Thailand second floor?)


  8. As Bunta said the ground can be compacted with a heavy roller (think road construction) but you will obviously pay extra for that.

    The effectiveness will also depend on the bearing capacity of the existing ground which should be well rolled before starting to fill.

    Another factor is the type and depth of foundations / piling you will use and the overall size and weight of the house.

    So you will need a soil engineer to do the calcs for you. He will be able to calculate the settlement over time and allow for a surcharge of the soil so that it will settle to the final level you want.

  9. Abhisit's name is out there but the Author of this little 'essay'. A PAD patriot would brand the writer a traitor on the content. No wonder it's anonomous.

    Never mind foot dragging, fairness or common sense. It's all about the national Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Saving face.

    How do they save face when they appear to have no confidence in their own claims? The Cambodians are supremely confident in theirs and, hence, keen to internationalise the issue. PAD and TPN are the only ones that seem to have a coherent case on the Thai side, whether they're right or wrong. I suspect Thailand's going to lose face anyway; it's just a matter now of finding ways to minimize it.

    True. But as you said, they will try to minimize losing face. The temple was adjudicated to Cambodia based on historical data and early French topographical surveys. It will be so easy to grant an easement of access to Cambodia and have joint management and maintenance of the temple so important to both countries! You may be right in saying that Thais are figuring out how to minimize losing face. But in the end, it is not about fairness or justice: it's all about losing face.

    I agree asiawatcher +1 :jap: :jap:

  10. in fact is sade for all of them sure many got problem have corruption sickness and many others thing but we cannot speak we are better, if you look in our country they win better salary better live social security and they make same

    stress in work and to be hate by people is very hard and in Thailand people hate Police because of corruption

    but is so funny when i take Taxi and policeman stop him because he cut line or make somnething wrong the policeman make paper but the driver give him 100 bath for not have paper

    so now is time to stop for some to speak about corruption if corurption is good for us, what do you think taxi prefer pay 100 bath or maybee more 1000 if he got paper

    we need to understand what is corruption but reel corruptiion, this is piece of joke

    stress is very difficult when we work job like that and now every people want always show have home big car ,some buy more they can and have problem money after live become crasy an thing like this happening

    RIP all of them and i hope this help others to not make same mistake

    It should not be about what the taxi driver prefer. If he done wrong, he should pay through the correct method. Then just maybe, he would think twice when he want to do wrong again. Then no need to hate Police because of corruption.


  11. It's all been said - I reckon a compromise - let the staff toe the line and let the airline revise pricing, policies and training as Thai is very second rate airline now no matter what the plane - gone are the heady days of No1. That was last century (literally!).

    It is just the Thai way. As you rightly say once a No1 Airline, now very second rate. Low maintenance and no refurbishments.

    Exactly the same when they build a new Hotel. It's just their approach to everything. What's the saying. If it aint broke don't fix it?


  12. Nothing will happen until police start handing out tickets...that mean something other than 100B under the table payment.

    Exactly. They need to police the tollways in a proper manner. The safest probably being cctv and speed cameras, that would hopefully bring an end to lane swapping also an end to using the emergency lane (inside lane). Those roads are just like a demolition derby. It is not so much training they need, but hitting where it hurts most, their pockets and if they have a licence take it away from them. While they are at it they could do the same for all the morons that drive in the same manner It would also help to stop the police from taking under the table payments. Then they could go down to the normal freeway and do the same there. Pity it will never happen?


  13. Mr Prompong noted that usually an embassy official would come out to accept public petitions, but in his submission of the letter today, it was a security guard to take the issue. He was afraid that embassy officials might be lobbied, and that Pheu Thai's petition might be submitted in vain.

    May be the Embassy doesn't see the submission by PTP spokesman Prompong as a 'public' petition, more like national politics they should stay far away from.

    Rumour has it k. Prompong will go to Newcastle himself to investigate if the British Embassy doesn't co-operate. Would be good for a new comedy series on television "Prompong, P.I" :)

    That's if he c gets a visa. :lol:


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