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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. You will need to check for avaiable connection. Add a valve for isolation, take your bum gun with you to the store and ask advice. Or the other alternative is. I used to be a Plumber in during my working days. Take me with you and I will do for you, free of charge. Just expences? :whistling:


  2. This latest action by the Reds just proves how low they will stoop to get their own way.

    Thai People love the Red Cross Fairs that are held all over Thailand every year.

    The Reds are so selfish they only want to show they can bring this country to it's knees again

    Forget the election this now proves who is really running the country now.............................THE REDS !!

    Why is this government so weak ?

    They know the Reds cannot be trusted to keep their word and just protest peacefully and disperse when asked to.

    Just how many Millions will this cost Thai people this time in lost business and extra security to control a bunch of thugs ?

    Can people who cannot keep their word be trusted to run this country ?

    This includes the Government and ALL protesters who renege on their agreements

    I hope the costs for all these so called protests come from Mr. Ts seized millions

    Do you mean YELLOW ?


  3. No it doesn't trick the brain, it's a naturally occurring ingredient in many foods and it has been shown to be safe. But in any event to go from your assertion, which is untrue, to one that suggests that it might be the cause of these sad deaths is just living in cloud cuckoo land

    Real facts! :thumbsup:

    Yes MSG does in fact occur naturally in Soya Beans. For some reason there are some on here that will blame MSG for everything that happens. In my opinion, It is absolutely ridiculous to link it to these deaths.

    For myself I hate the stuff and avoid it like the plague. Where ever I travel I make it a point to find out that country's name for MSG. :bah:


  4. Hello, 33.19% thought there needs to be a new up-dated warning system. It was only 2004 when the tsunami hit Pucket. Surely they have an adequate system installed now?


    They did, but then the battery ran out in the buoy and it was deemed too expensive to replace it (the battery)

    It's funny you should say that. I was thinking the same thing myself. Just how many things do you see not working, because the battery has run out?


  5. Skipping all the Thai bashing; there are a lot of western aid groups that are also on standby. A coordinated and planned arrival of aid, and determining exactly what is needed, is important. Too many relief workers arriving when they cannot yet be used can create more havoc than it relieves.

    An example I saw explained, stated they needed to get all the aid groups with heavy equipment into the country first to clear transport routes and allow access to blocked areas so that other aid could be transported and moved to where it is needed. It is no use having hundreds of personnel waiting around because their services cannot be used under the exisiting conditions.

    Surely before they go in with the heavy equipment. They need medical teams + supplies, warm clothing and teams with sophisticated heat seeking devices.

    What ever I wish them the best.


  6. As it reads like an episode of Black Adder, What the officer really said was,

    ''I have a cunning plan sire''


    '' Oh god Baldrick, what delight of wisdom do we have today '' :D

    As much as I like Ben Elton. I think he would struggle to match anything like this? :bah:


  7. Nisa, How about this.




    Proof of FACT?

    As I said before. We are all entitled to an opinion. I am very sorry I do not share yours.


    This is not an opinion but factual classification of countries. A simple internet search will clarify this for you.

    But I am a bit baffled because you took offense and discounted what I said because I used the words "I believe" and then when I clarify to point out the "facts" you once again dismiss them as being opinion.

    As far as I can see the only thing Thailand has that makes it an emerging nation is, the economy?

    What keeps it Third World:

    It's abuse of other nations subjects?

    It's abuse of It's own subjects?

    It's Public transport system?

    It's poverty?

    It's failure to compli even with other nations.


    We are getting way off topic here but the way countries are classified is largely to do with economics and industry. However, you may not like things that you mention but if you were to compare any of them to an actual third world country then Thailand would look like a paradise. But the bottom line is being a developing nation or a third world/undeveloped nation certainly puts limits on infrastructure, qualify of life, corruption levels, government efficiency, poverty levels as well as quality of life of citizens. It just makes no sense in comparing these things to those of 1st World Nations or even those considerably higher on the "developing nation" list.

    All the things you mention have seen significant positive developments in Thailand over the last couple decades but none can be changed over night as even first world nations continue to struggle with all these same areas.

    Hey I agree we are getting way off of topic. I also agree with you that two ways that a country are classified are, economics and Industry. Also the points that I mentioned help to determine the classification of a county. :wai:

    Getting back on topic. I would put money on it that, the driver was either pissed, fell asleep, or more likely driving like an idiot on roads that he was unfamiliar with. Why because he does not need any formal training. :sorry:


  8. Nisa, How about this.




    Proof of FACT?

    As I said before. We are all entitled to an opinion. I am very sorry I do not share yours.


    This is not an opinion but factual classification of countries. A simple internet search will clarify this for you.

    But I am a bit baffled because you took offense and discounted what I said because I used the words "I believe" and then when I clarify to point out the "facts" you once again dismiss them as being opinion.

    As far as I can see the only thing Thailand has that makes it an emerging nation is, the economy?

    What keeps it Third World:

    It's abuse of other nations subjects?

    It's abuse of It's own subjects?

    It's Public transport system?

    It's poverty?

    It's failure to compli even with other nations.


  9. Wow I now feel that I can sleep safe in my bed tonight. As long as I keep one eye open. Do they really think they are fooling anyone with these statements. Having said that the Colonel, or is it the General, doesn't look like such a bright spark himself? Nice piece of gold around his neck though.

    The panel found that the weapons went missing lot by lot. The Army had been able to retrieve some missing weapons and would try to get the rest back, she said.


    TRY to get the rest back, she said. What is she going to do? Ask pretty please, may I have my weapons back. Now comes the tricky part. Who the <deleted>> is she going to ask?


  10. I think most tourists would not dare venture driving in a place like BKK because of the awareness and experience needed. I certainly have issues with the level of safety awareness for the general Thai driver but I am not ready to put down their skills in terms of awareness to other vehicles or their ability to handle a vehicle. However their knowledge of safety is certainly lacking awareness from even the most basic things westerners have drilled into their heads such as seat be;ts, drunk driving, following too closely and overtaking other vehicles in both a safe manner and safe location. Given this is an emerging nation the road conditions are also understandably bad from lack of signs (speed limit to stop signs) to a lack of engineering studies on things such as traffic congestion to banking or grading roadways. For the most part the highways are the exception.

    I'm not having a go. BUT you say emerging nation. Do you define emerging the same as third world? I may be wrong but to me emerging is defined as coming out? For that I would say that Thailand has at least another 40 to fifty years worth of emerging to do. So for my money still third world.


    Emerging, developing.... = above 3rd world but not first world. I think the terms used now are Developed, Developing and Under Developed

    I believe Thailand is technically classified as a Newly Industrialized Nation but it is also a Developing Nation. I don't believe there are too many countries classified as Under Developed / Third World outside of Africa.

    Nisa, you use the terms I think and I believe? Newly Industrialised?Ok well we are all entitled to our own opinions. But what I see around me, plus what I read about, on a daily basis. Thailand with all it's corruption and poverty is still very much a Third World Nation, along with Cambodia, Laos and Burma. I am not knocking Thailand. I also call it home these days.

  11. I must admit I get very bored with all the members who put denigrating Khon Thai even before bar-girls and beer.

    Everywhere in the world there are good drivers and bad drivers not just in Thailand.

    NYC Crash

    To crash in a major city, with the bus skidding on its side, suggests excessive speed - haven't I read about that happening in TH also?

    I guess we will now get a stream of posts - "Oh It must have been a Thai overseas worker driving!" or something of a similar ilk.

    I read in one "bus crash" thread an arrogant pompous comment froma n "ex-rally" champion that rally drivers are perfect. - that is why Mike Parke died in Margam Park on the 2005 Wales Rally GB.(sadly about 26 minutes after I was speaking to him). If rally drivers were so absolutely perfect they would not nee "Driving Standards Observers" on the Road Sections!

    Let's get real and accept that crashes can be caused by many factors, human, mechanical or Act of God. We are meant to be in TH to relax and enjoy life not spend all day every day. trying to find yet another anti-Thai whinge.

    Let's just accept that TH has problems as have all nations, and wish all who perished both here and in the US a more satisfactory re-incarnation or to RIP.

    The vast majortity of Thais are incredibly bad, stupid drivers. If you don't think so just hang around any mojor road junction for a few minuets. I would agree with the Police that the driver was not acustomed with the road. But that still would not stop him from driving like a lunatic, or half asleep or pissed.


  12. I think most tourists would not dare venture driving in a place like BKK because of the awareness and experience needed. I certainly have issues with the level of safety awareness for the general Thai driver but I am not ready to put down their skills in terms of awareness to other vehicles or their ability to handle a vehicle. However their knowledge of safety is certainly lacking awareness from even the most basic things westerners have drilled into their heads such as seat be;ts, drunk driving, following too closely and overtaking other vehicles in both a safe manner and safe location. Given this is an emerging nation the road conditions are also understandably bad from lack of signs (speed limit to stop signs) to a lack of engineering studies on things such as traffic congestion to banking or grading roadways. For the most part the highways are the exception.

    I'm not having a go. BUT you say emerging nation. Do you define emerging the same as third world? I may be wrong but to me emerging is defined as coming out? For that I would say that Thailand has at least another 40 to fifty years worth of emerging to do. So for my money still third world.


  13. Wow I now feel that I can sleep safe in my bed tonight. As long as I keep one eye open. Do they really think they are fooling anyone with these statements. Having said that the Colonel, or is it the General, doesn't look like such a bright spark himself? Nice piece of gold around his neck though.

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