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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. BANGKOK, March 11, 2011 (AFP) - A Thai appeal court on Friday acquitted a police officer accused of involvement in the disappearance of a prominent Muslim human rights lawyer in 2004.

    I know the woman who the article is referring to. She is a strong and determined lady and has the upmost respect in both Muslim and Thai communities.

    Following the kidnapping of Somchai Neelaphaijit, she has grown stronger and stronger as an activist. People would refer her as the Thai version of the Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma.

    You can't know 'her' very well, Somchai was a bloke and he was murdered in 2004. :blink:

    Brilliant :cheesy::redcard2:


    Oops :sorry::drunk:

  2. Pattaya, Chon Buri - A 66-year-old Norwegian man was arrested here Monday afternoon for having allegedly bought sex service from a 17-year-old girl.Acting on tip-off, police raided the K2M Apartment in Pattaya and found Karstein Abrahamsen naked inside a room with the girl The Nation

    Not a pedophile IMHO.

    And if no proof of payment, legal in Thailand.

    Usually in this sort of case the girls parents will be taken to see the man and ask for payment for permission.

    Once permission has been secured any and all charges against the man will be dropped.

    Not even under Thai laws?? Although I think your comment could open another can of worms.


  3. Anterian,

    I don't normally go in for theses conspiracy theories. My thoughts are that you should wait to see what comes up with the updates. But someone, maybe two or three pages back, did in my opinion come up with something quite feasible. Especially now we have come up with a possible 5th victim, who was staying at a different hotel and also there may be more cases pending.

    The person who came up with the post mentioned, bottled water, not the actual water itself, but the method of cleaning the bottles prior to filling them. Which is to cleanse them with a cyanide solution. What he was in fact saying, is that maybe this solution was not washed out of the bottles, prior to filling them with water. To me that sounds quite reasonable.


  4. Very nice holiday for Mr Davies & Mr Gerrish, Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam. In fact Mr Gerrish was over here last October, liked it so much he thought he would come back again and bring his mate with him.

    This is not a UK problem but a Thai one. I was under the Impression that after the Gary Glitter debacle, the uk already had a policy to deal with this type of situation when such people were returned to them?

    Sorry but just to go off topic. Wouldn't it be nice if the UK government were to do something about their Nationals that are dying or being killed over here?


  5. A relationship is in many ways like a war. Some days a wife can be an ally and others an enemy depending on mood, tides, phases of the moon and the rainy season.

    I would suggest remembering the capture of an Enigma decoding machine by the Brits in WW II or the breaking of the Japanese Naval code by the US.

    Neither of these discoveries would have been of any value if the other side knew about them.

    The Brits didn't send a telegram to the Germans informing them how stupid they were to let someone steal a coding machine.

    The upper hand always goes to the one with more information. Shut up and watch and listen and remember. If they lie they also cheat and if they cheat they also steal. If you have a significant other who does none of these things, quick take your pulse, because you are probably dead and in heaven.

    :cheesy: :cheesy:

    Good one Mark, but Thai girls DO NOT go to heaven,

    Is not because they are bad girls mind you, but being buddhist and such, they believe in reincarnation..

    This way they have the freedom to make their way back to Pattaya in the afterlife..

    Besides, no such thing as bars and dodgy farangs in heaven, and id presume money would be in pretty rare supply too.

    Since these are the three things that Thai girls worship, i dont think life in heaven would be for them....thats even if they were allowed in :cheesy:

    Is that why my g/f tells me she wants us to be together for 200 years ? Hmm what has she got planned after that? ;)


  6. Birthdays have no significance in Thai culture. Asking her to remember your birthday is the same as asking you to remember which animal in the Chinese calendar she was born under. The 'lie' was to save both of you the embarrassment of admitting your lack of knowledge. If you were Thai the situation wouldn't have happened. If you're offended by such insignificant things perhaps you ought to consider moving to Clacton.

    Absolutely the celebration of a birthday is totally new to them. They can't even sing the song properly. :lol:


  7. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

    It would be nice if someone could give me individual prices for some things mentioned like room, bike etc

    I know someone mentioned 10,000 for the basic room, bike and gym in Chiang Mai with the additional food which is very informative.

    I know you can spend as much as you want but as long as I have the basics covered I can bring extra for the drinking etc not that I drink much anyway.

    The first few months ill be boxing anyway so the camp will have an all in one price.

    I forgot to mention that I want to take a language course (paid separately) as well as gym/pool etc so I dont plan to spend all day in my room.

    I wont eat any western food either as I eat mostly Asian food at home. But your right. I will book a hotel and look around for a place to stay.


    Am I begining to smell TROLL :annoyed:


  8. Looks like they are trying desperatly to obfuscate. Unfortunatly that appears all too similar to what happend with the deaths in Phi Phi.

    When you have a track record like that people assume you guilty until you prove yourself innocent. Good Luck Chiang Mai Governors family and TAT.

    They will continue to delay and obfuscate and the problem will be buried, it always has been in the past. I can see why the Thai authorities treat outsiders like idiots because we deserve nothing better as there is never the will or coordination between effected parties to obtain satisfactory answers from the Thai authorities under pain of consequences serious enough to force someone to take ownership of the issue.

    I am referring here to diplomacy at international level not the attempts of bereaved to get answers, as they are serially let down by those who purport to represent them.

    That just about sums it all up.

    People can talk about all the conspiracy crap until they are blue in the face. It doesn't stand for anything, never has, never will. This case/investigation is all but over. Although it is likely to carry on for maybe a couple of weeks. Things have to be seen to be done, then it will just fizzle out. Unless of course one of the Embassies of the victims, activly gets involved and starts demanding proper answers? For sure that will not be the British Embassy.


  9. Ok I get it. As long as you notice the fraud and notify the bank, 10 to 15 mins after the transaction. Because that is how long it would take the con artists to withdraw the money??? You can get the transaction stopped. Now I really do feel secure. :ph34r:


    Ah but TimeBandit2,

    They do say that they came to this momentous decision only yesterday.


  10. finy. Are you confused? You should be. Just look on TV accommodation to rent. will give you a good indication of cost for room. If you are thinking of staying around Lumphini, It is on the skytrain route, but if you really need it a motorbike is a good option? (not for the faint hearted though)Depending what you want to eat, it is very much up to you what you spend.

    Going back to accommodation though, get over here, find a decent hotel and spend some time looking around. You will be surprised at how reasonable some places, that also have their own pools.


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