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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Very easy just go to the branch and itll be done that day. Bring your passport , about 1000baht and proof of address.

    But ask yourself do you really need one.....?


    Whatever you do dont open a 'foreign currency deposit account', they will skin you.

    Also from my experience Kasikorn is not very good,

    Yes I made the mistake of opening a foreign currency acc with Bangkok Bank. I would also agree with you with Kasikorn Bank.


    Oops, sorry read it wrong. I have not had any problems with Kasikorn Bank. Other than their ATM ate my card the other day. :o


  2. She will be much happier if she can get the food she is used to even if she does enjoy what you normally eat, think if you lived in Thailand would you eat just Thai food?

    i would be quite happy to eat thai home cooking in the UK, and go out to a thai restaurant once a week. but i would also like my girlfriend to enjoy good old english food.

    and when i am in thailand i eat an english breakfast every day :) and one kfc a week. the rest is thai / chinese

    Some Thais adapt easily and willingly to western food others don't. I have a friend. A french guy, his g/f will not eat western food. My g/f often asks me to prepare English/Western food. Suerly this should not be a problem?


  3. Me thinks the Thai should have made contingency plans to extricate THEMSELVES when the problem first started , they are there of their own volition so should also return to Thailand the same way , many TV posters talk of being thankful of leaving their ' Nanny states" but are now condemning Thai officials for not doing more to help these hapless citizens . You cannot have it both ways ,

    But surely that would take forethought?


  4. My simple explanation as to a way of improving quality of education in Thailand is this : As it appears , a lot of the blame falls on the teaching staff , if they have no desire or drive to improve the standards that they apply , nothing will change , would it not then be of advantage to change the overall cause of poor education of the masses .

    The ruling bodies need to instigate a ' logical ' system to bring teaching staff mentality to a level where all would gain in the long run , this would be to pay staff according to student achievement on yearly testing , when the level has made improvement over and above that which has become the norm as of this present date , the teacher is given a pay raise . This would ( should) encourage teaching staff to improve their own level of education and the methodology of application in the classroom , because they themselves would gain much face to the public at large and , most importantly , amongst their students .

    Not so difficult or mind boggling , it has been done with great success in other nations educational systems .

    I agree with you. Well said.

    The overall level of education in Thailand is low at any level. Let alone the teaching level. I also think It would certainly help if the children were taught some social skills. First at school + hopefully at home. If people can inter react with others more on a social level, I am sure it would encourage them more to accept education.


  5. You guys are a funny bunch, believing everything you read in the papers and venting your own ideas and opinions about a fact you have no clue about.

    My girlfriend's brother is actually based at this camp.

    Yes, the guns went missing, but shortly after this they caught the culprits and recovered everything.

    No reds, yellows, blues or greens involved.

    First you should all get some facts before posting.

    Come on then tell.


  6. Wouldn't it be rather nice if the Embassy of the different individuals here, were to get involved and demand the right to their own seperate autopsy.

    Not just in this case, but all instances where there is doubt.


    Such a demand will most certainly be made when the insurance companies get involved.

    It will take a lot more than that to get the British Embassy involved.

    Also one of the victims was Thai that leaves one NZ who I believe are already involved.

    Perhaps one could check with them and see what there findings were. As for them doing there own autopsy. I really don't think they are set up for that. They could use another Thai for it. And if they didn't like his results get another one until they get what they wanted. Not going to happen. they may be government employees but they are not completely brain dead.

    As a after thought do you suppose a Embassy could do as good a job as a insurance company.

    jayjay0, I understand what you are saying. But yes I would like to think that an Embassy would do a better job than an Insurance company. As an Insurance Company, would be more likely to look at the costs involved and do a deal.


  7. Wouldn't it be rather nice if the Embassy of the different individuals here, were to get involved and demand the right to their own seperate autopsy.

    Not just in this case, but all instances where there is doubt.


    Such a demand will most certainly be made when the insurance companies get involved.

    Hmm, As long as they haven't been cremated first. Which I think is what happened to the folk on Phi-Phi?


  8. Maybe more Tourists would come to Thaland if they didn't get ripped off by the Thai government and Thai people at every opportunity, as for quality I think their meaning is quality =big spenders, well I tend to find people with more money tend to spend less.

    This is because they tend to be tight which is how they got their money in the first place. A low quality monger like myself managed to spend over £9000 on my first trip. As for bulldozing Pattaya what types of drugs are you on? People go to Pattaya for a reason kill that off and watch it become a ghost town and many Thai families starve to death.

    How long did your first trip last?


  9. dont airlines ask you to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before the flight is due to leave?

    Usually two.. Which has always been plenty for me..

    Most (if not all) airlines are now recomending for international flights to show up 3 hours before flights. Do this and you will have plenty of time to make it through any ridiculous waiting lines that are forming at immigration. Dont take the airlines advice and risk missing your flight. Up to you.

    Yes for the last 4yrs and using different airlines, for me it has been recommended to arrive 3hrs before flight time.


  10. For starters. The airport is fine. Make sure you use only metered taxi, if not taking public transport. I would max out on travellers cheques, then cash. For best rates. Again exhhange at places such as Western Union, for best rates. Enjoy.


    If you do use ATMs be as careful as you would in your own country, as they have the same scams here.

  11. 15.8M tourists or arrivals? <_<


    The Thai tourist industry has been in decline here since 2008, and the 15.8 million number includes pass-thoughs to other country destinations. Hotel occupancy rates are abysmal (ask any of them) and this latest 'focus on quality' is lip service, plain and simple. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

    What can one say but spot on.

    Anyone want to buy a cheap Guest house, or maybe 2-3 star hotel.


  12. A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry.

    In these straightened times, that'd be a huge mistake though it makes sense as a long-term target. Fact is: 'Upmarket' Western tourists aren't travelling much at the mo; Sextourists always travel. It's not an ideal situation or long-term fix, I know. But tourist money is tourist money, and Thailand (like everywhere else) is desperate for said money right now.

    The first thing to do might be to define what a quality tourist is. I would assume that one of the key factors is how much is spent and, according to a poll on another site catering specifically for pattaya more than 50% of members are spending more than 5k baht a day and this figure rises to over 75% if you look at spends of over 4k baht a day.

    I am not sure how this would compare to how much other types of tourist are spending and in other areas but it this income is not something that can be ignored.

    Define quality tourists. I think he intends to send fliers around his old school?


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