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Everything posted by AnotherOneHere

  1. I lived here for 12 years. Never owned or used an aircon. 1 week ago I got one installed. 🥵 Which sums it up for me.
  2. So to get B7 at gas station I have to ask for a "Diesel", which used to be B0, then B10 and now is B7? 🤔
  3. There used to be B7, Diesel (B10) and B20. Today I pulled to regular gas station (PTT) and there was no B7 anymore! Did they renamed it again? What is B7 sold as now? 😲
  4. No value is lost; it's better for the community. But... Strangling somebody isn't like in the movies, with 10 seconds of UHM UHM and then death. It's hard to fully close the respiratory tract. During a fight, there will always be some extra gasps of air. An entire strangulation might take up to 5 minutes, including strangling them after they've become unconscious. So she might have been strangling him for 3 minutes during the fight and then an extra 2 minutes when he was unconscious, instead of leaving the apartment. This tells a slightly different story. And since the police are going to investigate and are considering charges... I think she would be better off if she just simply stabbed him to death instead.
  5. I think you should better pay. It seems like a very reasonable thing to do.
  6. What's up with Hua Hin and their water? It's almost like a Nakhon Ratchasima and their drug shootings. Or Phuket and their Russians. 🧐
  7. My wife went to school, has and certificate and everything about Thai massage. I won't let he touch me. I much better prefer a sore shoulder over broken arm all day long. ☠️
  8. Weird, I don't see any ads on this site. Just a single popup.
  9. Until she uses it to buy lottery tickets or to guarantee a mortgage to her deadbeat cousin behind your back.
  10. I don't mind the buses as long as they don't open the doors and the "people" that chooses to sit for a 7 days in a bus as their holiday don't start strolling around me.
  11. All you need to do is visit your Land office with the wife and it can be in about a hour. It is written directly on the land title deed so it can't be more official than that. Much better than some random lease.
  12. Usufruct Provides temporary ownership rights for use and enjoyment of the property along with an advantage of being able to reap the profits from property. A usufruct will be registered in a similar manner to a lease of up to 30 years or until the lifetime of the usufructuary.
  13. I'll be free at May 5th. Would it be possible to reschedule the event? Also I never saw any of the Start Trek movies or cared about any of that, do you think I could still have my fair share of the fun?
  14. Luckily this event escaped into the news, and Thai police quickly summoned an undocumented Burmese immigrants homeless Thai man to resolve the issue. 😃🤩
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