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Everything posted by AnotherOneHere

  1. Do you want them to get beaten up once they enter the Russian-infested streets of Thailand?
  2. Imagine the smell of that place. 🤢
  3. How is she a victim? Victim of what?
  4. So, Ukraine will give away the land. But also can't join a a NATO. That would prevent Russia from taking more land in the future. Which reminds me: Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear weapons as part of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, signed on December 5, 1994. This agreement was also signed by Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. In exchange signatories pledged to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. 😄 Are they ready to sign another one of these? 😄
  5. What lies are there to tell? 🤔 We all know: You are 93 years old, retired. You are living in a NZ. Once you take a trip to Thailand to find a new wife. Instead you met a prostitute. You decided to take her back into NZ. After arranging all the necessary visa and importing her in, first think she did was to leave you, found herself a job and a new apartment to live at. Anything but to have anything to do with you. Ever since you are creating late night threads with single word titles and accusing other people of being mentally sick. 🤨
  6. And just like that you are now officially gay. 🥰 The fact that the other grown up man was wearing the skirt changes nothing. Fag.
  7. In Thailand people start riding motorcycle since they turn 6 years old. And if you look at any school for 8 - 12 years old kids you will see covered up parking spots for motorcycles full of motorcycles. This is just a way of life here. Complaining about 13 years old riding motorcycles is just cringe. Same as farangs that complains about street dogs, high heat or Isaan farmers not being able to speak English to them. I think at 7.3k post you should know better.
  8. What if you want to have a sex in there? I wouldn't feel comfortable if there was a camera watching me.
  9. Doesn't it have something to do with the fact that she left you and is living separately? 🤔
  10. Girl I was seeing at the time got extremely strong period while we were sleeping. 🔴 We both woke up covered in the blood. And since white sheets, it looked like you slayed a pig in that bed. Cleaning lady ended up charging 800 Baht for new bedsheets. Luckily she didn't charge anything for the mattress. She just flipped the mattress upside down. 😇
  11. What I hate more than Vegans are people that start threads titled with a single word. How low your IQ has to be to not to be able to summarize you though with more than one word? 🤔
  12. 80 years old. Living in a state housing. Expert on Brazil. Specialist where gay people should retire. Professional in one word summaries. What an interesting combination. 🤔
  13. Wow, thanks. "Bing videos" that really tells us what are we clicking on. It might be a cute video of a cat or it might somebody get fired from the job if he opens it in the work. But best your IQ can do is "Bing videos" so we will go with it.
  14. I can make my red line clear to the government how much in taxes I will pay this year. I can make my read line to immigration how much paperwork I'm willing to do per year. We all can make our red lines to anybody. Questions is if you can actually enforce your red lines ... .
  15. I will take a wild guess that my violation was summed up with a single word rather than a sentence? 🧐
  16. Yet I can still summarize my threads in a sentence and best you can do is a single word.
  17. "Wheelchair". That is the best you could come up with. "Wheelchair" tells everybody what is this thread about. That is the best description your brain come up with. I salute to you.
  18. No image if she wasn't able to summarize her though in more than 1 one word. She would probably not be able to participate too!
  19. I don't care about classy people but where I live, we drink water from the tap and sum up our thoughts in a single word, because that where our IQ reaches ours limits.
  20. Well, well, well. After all you are able to summarize written text into a sentence instead of a single word. Try to apply this ability when you are creating a new topic on this forum.
  21. I would suggest minding the titles of your threads. 🤔 I think this discussion might by out of you IQ depth.
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