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  1. The US citizens voted for the Trump Almighty: GOP, Senate, House and SC in his imperial hands.
  2. So, there are no balances of power anymore: Trump controls all: the GOP, the Senate, the House, the High court. I hope the US citizens votes wise.
  3. The US citizens choose him overwhelmingly, so have to accept whatever Trump might do/decide. In the UK, they also thought they could do it without migrant workers. We all know the results. Dio not worry: Mexico, India and especially China will love to take over a lot op work from the US and do it in thier countries. With a 10-6% import duty of their products, the laughter will be double hard.
  4. The Dutch started a thousand ( 1000) years ago to build dykes, along riverds and the sea. I visit Thailand businesswise since 1993, and even did notice the beginning of any interest to do anything about the fooding. And their ELITE... has zero personeal interest in that, so will never happen.
  5. I know reading is dramatic difficult for some people. Maybe I just mentioned some examples of good cooperation and neighbour-behaviour before the Intifada there. Bye-the-way: I remember the festivities after the birth at these farmers a lot more. We were "stuck" there over a day.
  6. And.. your brother-in-law went to an Isralei lawyer and brought that Israeli employer into court ? A good friend of me since 1972 and Israeli lawyer brought thousands of workers from TH, Vietnam Philippines ( by co-incidence all non-Muslims) to Israel. So, send me a message at info @ thaitrade dot nl
  7. I think, the chance of dying in Bangkok traffic is bigger as being killed as Thai civilian in Israel by military means. A slight difference with the "volonteers" from North Korea on the Ukraine front.
  8. Have to replace a 18.000 workers from Gaza ( yes, that so-called prison, where the israeli's arre committing genocide at a speed of 45.000 per year. The Nazi's did the same amount per day, with close-to-nobody to escape) and a 120.000 from the West bank ( also a prison). I remember me going with Israeli's from kibbuts Ein Harod Ihud to a Palestinian wedding, on the West Bank, and them coming to the swimming pool of that kibbuts, all in 1972. And in 1983 visiting an Iraeli "chicken docter" to be called in the middle of the night by two desperate Palestinian farmers for their mama-donkey in giving birth problems. Close to zero problems, but HAMAS wanted DEAD Israeli's...
  9. When the Western World would finally understand how much taxes ( wage, company profit, dividend) and contributions to social welfare they export by purchasing Chinese goods , everybody would immediately sstart to think about the prsoparity of themselves and their (grand) children, and would buy only "local" goods. Unfortunartely all think ONLY of the here and now, so continue to transfer their "make" industry abroad.
  10. I never understand the blasfemie of Muslims: is their Allah such a weak entity, He needs us, mortals, to defend Him ?
  11. One and only ONE reason: their skin and hair colour of "whire "expats. Thailand soes NOT want to be a mixed colour society.
  12. Every officer, soldier knows, when any nuke is fired, it is a matter of a 1/2-1 hour and also he and his family are evaporated. Putin can order as much as he wants, nobody will follow him into Argameddon
  13. That's why I brought my two sons to swimming course before they were 4 years old: NOT to be able to cross the Chao Praya, but.. to survive when they fell in a ditch or pond.
  14. That's why I used tramadol ( or any other pain killer ) ONLY when the pain was too much. And after permission of my family docter even 8 per day, three days long. From then, only two a day, till the operation day, 3 months later. Yes, I suffered pain, but bearable.
  15. Buy via Aliexpress a solution: underwear with a liquid catcher and a bag where the liquid goes to. ( urine catherder bag )

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