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  1. Can you tell me, what are the differences between: Xi, who wants to annex Taiwan and the entire South China / West Philippines sea ? Putin, who wants Ukraine and all other territory of the Soviet Union ( Belaruss, Moldavia, Baltic states, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) or even better: of Czaristic Russia ( inclusive Finland and Eastern Poland) back into the Putin Empire Trump, who simply wants to annex Greenland, Canada and Panama canal zone into the USA, inclusive with the use of military or economically force and has ZERO problems in kicking out millions of migrants, already more-or-less settled in the USA ? Hitler, who wants to annex all till the Ural, and kick out millions of unwanted persons, to start with Jews and Roma+Sinti ?
  2. Already forgotten the words of Zelensky at TV: "I want arms, NOT a ticket/taxi out of here".
  3. 1) A non-married woman pregnant in these days, in very orthodox Judaism... normally a man would marry her and declare the child to be his... If not.. same as in present woman's paradise like Iran of Afghanistan: would be stoned/killed, Therefore: Not realistic. 2) In the Roman Empire counting the number of people happened several times, for one and one reason only: to know how much tax could be levied. So a person, who want to escape that, and even go to another "state" (from Galilee to Judea...) would be seen as a tax escaper. 3) A star ( or comet) standing still above Betlehem ? Something on a distance of million(s) of kms ? Where the nonsense comes from ? 4) Three kings/wise persons, travelling from their origin to Bethlehem, on camel back.. would need several months if not longer, seen a distance of a 2000 km and a travel speed of maybe 20 km/day. 5) the murder of all children under 2 years on order of king Herodus the Great, who died somewhere 7-2 Y BC ? No any historic evidence, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_of_the_Innocents The story of the massacre is found in no gospel other than Matthew, nor is it mentioned in the surviving works of Nicolaus of Damascus (who was a personal friend of Herod the Great), nor in Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews, despite his recording many of Herod's misdeeds, including the murder of three of his own sons.
  4. Not words, but previous behaviour is of importance. See: https://csi-usa.org/there-were-about-1300-christians-in-idlib-but-now-only-two-remain/ You still remind all words of the Taliban a few years ago ?
  5. Same as a Buddhist give me for Loi Krathong
  6. I will schear the day, Thai nationals have to pay also in Europe a 10-fold entrance price. I guarantee you, in 12 hours there will be an UN emergency meeting about racism for this.
  7. When ever there was ONE person, who lied, violated against many laws, then it is "grab-them-by-the-pussy" Donald Trump, the president-elect of the USA
  8. The US citizens voted in mayority for this man, who is followed foir years, has a reputation of "grab them by the pussy", so...what is your comment ? The same voters, who cannot stop singing "Alleluja" in their churches. Hippocrites.
  9. You forget the most important part: for upgrading the old system, the Thai elite cannot catch so much "bonus".
  10. Every year begging for a new visa to stay, no ownership of land, and in disputes with Thai always the minor partner... Why the fear for the Chinese ? OR is it they can better handle corrupt officials ? ?
  11. The US citizens voted for the Trump Almighty: GOP, Senate, House and SC in his imperial hands.
  12. So, there are no balances of power anymore: Trump controls all: the GOP, the Senate, the House, the High court. I hope the US citizens votes wise.
  13. The US citizens choose him overwhelmingly, so have to accept whatever Trump might do/decide. In the UK, they also thought they could do it without migrant workers. We all know the results. Dio not worry: Mexico, India and especially China will love to take over a lot op work from the US and do it in thier countries. With a 10-6% import duty of their products, the laughter will be double hard.
  14. The Dutch started a thousand ( 1000) years ago to build dykes, along riverds and the sea. I visit Thailand businesswise since 1993, and even did notice the beginning of any interest to do anything about the fooding. And their ELITE... has zero personeal interest in that, so will never happen.
  15. I know reading is dramatic difficult for some people. Maybe I just mentioned some examples of good cooperation and neighbour-behaviour before the Intifada there. Bye-the-way: I remember the festivities after the birth at these farmers a lot more. We were "stuck" there over a day.

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