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  1. For many jobs and functions you need to pass a medical and often a psychological test. For president of the USA.. you only need 270 votes. Not even the majority of the peoples votes.
  2. Why bother ? Myanmar illegals have no right on a decent life in Thailandanyhow, and farangs.. should have dumped their money art Suvarnabhmi anyhow, and then return per direct. Did somebody already filed a claim against Thailand for neglecting their Tsunami warning system + any measurements to avoid damage/losts of life ?
  3. Typical American thinking again. Also a ring with a stone. I am not familiar with other European nations, but in Netherlands we give each other a ring, blanc, round, smooth. And we select and buy it together, AFTER the marry-question and answer.
  4. When I am not mistaken, it was the US people, who voted for theri presidents, NOT a foreign army who forced these on the USA
  5. Marvellous marketing idea. Not so many men want to confess they have a small or even medium size ( bye-the-way: what is small ( < 5 or <10 cm length ) same medium: < 10 of < 15 cm ? ?)
  6. How is it possible one of the two US policical parties, the Republicans, can nominate such a person for the highest office in the USA. It says something about this nation.
  7. How is it possible, that such a person can get the nominee of the Republican Party for the highest office in the USA ? Must say something about that nation.
  8. I would advise this docter a trip to Auschwitz or another Nazi termination camp. And then the experience on Thai TV, with the remark: also YOU were seen as Unternensch = sub standard living creature, and could be wiped out, like rats. Curious, if then the name "Hitler room" still would be used.
  9. For only holding hands and hugging ? ? Oh wait... it is the USA, where a jogging Afro-American can be shot as seen by WHITE people as a criminal.
  10. Are we also going to see discussions about the private life of Americans on a Thai blog ?
  11. There is a H U G E distance between the Nazism phylosophy and the ideas of AfD. A H U G E. THE problem, because so many Germans vote for Afd, or French for Le Pen, of Dutch for Wilders of Italians for meloni, or... is the noin-integration of MILLIONS of Muslims,who came to our countries. Even in Hamburg there was a Muslim demonstration as they want to found a Caliphate in Europe, inclusive Sharia, so an Afghanistan / IS here. Second the killings my IS etc followers, living here for years. But as usual, Americans do not have the slightest idea about these. That's why Trump can call Harris a Marxist.
  12. Yeah, start with (motor)bikes and finish with heavy lorries etc. I believe in Thailand they are also switching, as I see many driving on the wrong side ( since 1993, my first visit)
  13. And... this is a better deal as they already had as EU member state ?
  14. I canot understand somebody is appointed for life, whatever mental of physical situation. Therefore our monach retires at 75, instead of waiting till passing away, even as a senile corps, as in some other countries. Second: I donot understand the US/UK attitude: it is us, the very good guys, or the others = the devil party himself, also called the opposition. In Netherlands, even the EU commissioner approved ( only one per EU member state), is one of a 3 % seats opposition party. Here, we (s)elect the best person for that position, in some other countries the best liar and cheat.
  15. Happily the Thais invested a LOT in building dykes and water reservoirs since last flood.
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