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Everything posted by PuiPuiHarry

  1. I canot understand somebody is appointed for life, whatever mental of physical situation. Therefore our monach retires at 75, instead of waiting till passing away, even as a senile corps, as in some other countries. Second: I donot understand the US/UK attitude: it is us, the very good guys, or the others = the devil party himself, also called the opposition. In Netherlands, even the EU commissioner approved ( only one per EU member state), is one of a 3 % seats opposition party. Here, we (s)elect the best person for that position, in some other countries the best liar and cheat.
  2. Happily the Thais invested a LOT in building dykes and water reservoirs since last flood.
  3. When this is all the Republican party can bring forward as candidate for the presidency of the USA, and the informal leader of the Free World, I only can bring up pitty for that nation.
  4. The Dutch are building dykes already for a Millenium. Even when the sea level rises a 2-3 meters, plans are ready to coope with that. The rest of the world.. will have to swim. OR finally start to act.
  5. What does that change to the multi-million inhabitans of Bangkok ?
  6. The Dutch are building dykes already for a Millenium. Gained land from the see ( IJsselmeer polders),. And the deepest = Alexanderpolder, a city quaters east of Rotterdam, 6 mtr below sea level. Whey the Thais cannot protect a city just 1/2 -1 mtr below sea level ?
  7. A country, who stole all the West Philippines sea from the ASEAN countries, and invite that as a friendly nation ? ? Incredible. Time to stop cooperation with such a treacherous country
  8. When you cannot afford the ticket ( and... 2000 pounds eacht? Business class ? ? ), stay at home. Why to go, when you know the cremation is in a few days, and you anyhow cannot be in time for that ? Second: I presume he gets a British ( state + private?) pension, so still money will flow, the month he passed away. Should be enoug for a Thai cremation. What disturbs me the most: again, others are asked to pay for the costs, caused by own unwillingness to have a proper insurance for it. For me, after my death: the hack what they do with my body. Better the cheapest way, and use the money for a great bye-bye party.
  9. Reading this, I am again astonished about the complete stupidity and ignorance of many responding here. When I went for the first time to Thailand, in 1993, to work in a factory close to Banglamung, I first informed myself. There was info enough. Second: you really think, that for you, too ugly, too stupid, to find a decent woman in your own country, the ladies in Thailand will fall for YOU ? No, for your wallet, as.. many ladies, especially in areas like Pattaya, working in a beer bar, did not have the possibility to get a decent education. Many must do it with what nature give them, as is free: their body. Just like a sports masseur or physiotherapist, it is COMMERCIAL service. As many men like it to be called a combination of Adonis and Einstein + Arnold Schwarzenegger in his young age, the ladies tell you that, as part of their professional service. They need your tips, your gifts, and your support, for herself, often a child, and her family. The ladies of the well educated classes... are out of reach for many farangs, as... "they are not lady beer bar", and want to be honoured, respected and taking care of. It might take maybe even a year, before they introduce you to her family. That introduction is not like in the Western world: my friend for the time being, but... meh, poh, this will be the father of your grand children, and taking care for you and for me till we pass away. When they like/love you, they are in the bed room much worser as a tiger. Be prepared for a 1 -1.5 h hard work, to satisfy her and by that yourself. Do not be astonished when you are awaken in the middle of the night under the words: "I need more". For loyalty to her beloved... many westerners can learn a lot from them. And when you marry her... you marry her family and get the daughter as bonus. Remind: in Thailand no social security unless… their children.
  10. In all my – business – travels through Thailand since 1993, I never had any problem with Thais thinking, because my limited vocabulary/pronunciation was more "hiso", I felt to be better then them. They always appreciated my - farang -attitude to learn some of their language and could write and read a little. Even when I used a complete wrong pronunciation. I think it is more in which "circles" you are.
  11. What is in your eyes a "left wing "? Everybody who sucks out normal workers, allowed to swindle as has money, let everybody burst when out of labour for a certain period, health problems: your problem, God will take care for you. And..everbody allowed to carry firearms, when a brown coloured person is jogging bye, simple shoot the guy ? Therefore I am so happy to live in Europe, and not the USA.
  12. You want to be governed by geriatric and partly senile supreme judges ? Above 70 y, no one should have a governmental decission position, only advisory.
  13. Correct, same in NL: waiting lists for months. At Bumrungrad I had to wait the unbelievable 45 MINUTES for a neurologist, Saturday morning 10:30. He needed a 10 min to find out, it were not the nerves in my legs, but the "roots" of them at L4-L5 in my lower back. Monday morning at a special spine docter, Tuesday again, Thursday MRI scan+ meeting at my spine core docter , and Friday evening again a MRI scan, but extended. In NL they would need a few months for that. I was operated in Belgium with the Thai scans and data. And at World Medical the astonisching 30 min for an orthopedist and.. the amazing 1h30 min for an MRI scan. I "faited" of the price of that scan: 10.000 THB. In NL over € 1500 for sure.
  14. I cannot understand the citizens of the USA. I presume every counting of votes is open for public. So many court cases, and not even ONE, where a possibility of fraude had to be accepted. Are all US voters then so stupid ? Bye-the-way: I do not understand why a layer of representatives and a complex system of counties and states has to be in: why not one-head-one-vote, accumulated over the entire USA ?
  15. Wonderful. You Thai, you want to see the Cologne Dom/ Eiffel tower / London Bridge: 10 x what a German/French/British citizen pays. A Louis Vutton handbag: 10 x the EU price. Land cannot be owned by Thais, companies must be 51% local ownership. Schengen visa: 60 days, and after: you will be arrested. Curious how fast the rich and wealthy = Thai politicians, will change their mind
  16. As everybody should know: NO country can join NATO with disputed borders. And a country in war.. forget it.
  17. When the Netherlands can keep a part of a city, 6 mtr below sea level called Alexanderpolder and part of Rotterdam, dry, Thailand cannot keep a city dry just 1 mtr below sea level ? About 1/3 of Netherlands lies below sea level, with the lowest point being 22 feet (6.7 meters) below sea level.
  18. I live as citizen in the Netherlands, retired. Lived from 1993-95 close to Pattaya, and from then quite some business trips to Thailand and around. My wife has hefty dementia, and is already some time in a special care unit, where she is taken care of, at the costs of Dutch Social Security ( now a €40K/year, but might go up to even €80K/y), every Dutch citizen gets when needed. But.. places in such a care home are scares, sometimes you are on a waiting list for 6-15 months ( one’s death is the free room for the next), despite you got a medical indication for a place in such a care home. In Netherlands we have a quite good medical care system: everybody pays a 12 x €145/month + own risk of max €385/year + 6,3% of your income ( also when on retirement). The balance till about € 7000/per person per year medical cost (especially elder care !) comes out of the tax, paid by everyone. All medical costs are paid then, whatever, even when you have to be taken in for a care home. My Thai friends invite me to come to Thailand, but.. I have some very strong hesitations: You can own a house, but never the land under it, which must stay always in Thai hands. When on your wife: do not divorce, and when she passes away before you, you are at the mercy of her heirs. Every year you must go for a continuation of permit to stay, no right for it despite you own a house, in which you are treated by the officials as low white trash ( I joined a few times a friend). When you get into a legal dispute with a Thai, the Thai judge far too often follows the Thai. Too often Thai police tries to extort money from you ( in my own case: I had a helmet on with a wind shield down. I was stopped, as “the police officer could not see my eyes, so”… 500THB at the spot. Pity for the policeman, I had my voice recorder switched on in time and I know some persons in TH, so he probably is now spotting Changs at Khoh Nit Noy, somewhere Far Away. Also others try to distort money from farangs: double pricing at a lot of places; much higher prices for farangs, from taxi via car repair till whatever to be done. Insurances, which ever, but especially medical: too often the insurance company tries to roll away from payment of (medical) bills. When you want to protest, you must go in court, see c) You are NOT allowed to do any work. And in this case the old phrase goes in: the enemy always listens too. In my case: I advised a former supplier in TH with some export destinations. Suddenly the Thai police showed up. Too easy you are arrested and put in a Thai monkeyhouse. As farang you have only ONE right: to spend as much and quick as possible money in Thailand. Best dump it at Swampy and return with the next flight. Last-but-not-least: what happens with me, when I am NOT so well anymore: body and/or brain. Who and where I am taken care of ? At a Nursing House, where they give me so many tranquilisers I am 90+% off this world ? As long as your care money flows in… Discovered with two friends of mine. Going back to Netherlands is then hardly an option, as.. who brings me at the airport, and.. arrived in NL: I have to get a medical indication for a place in such a care home + waiting till somewhere in NL there is a room free. So survive a 6-15 months on my own. Even commercial elderly care homes have hardly a room stand bye. So, leaves me a jump in the pool of the crocodile farm ?
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