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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Great in theory, but as you and I know it has no chance under the current culture of ever coming about - unfortunately.
  2. Nobody said that, but as normal it's just another of your warped view of anything factual twisted to suit your own diatribe. No need to answer as the ignore button works well.
  3. correct, but only his opinion counts in his small world.
  4. well don't fall over waiting for a competent elected government to improve the quality of life for the majority of Thais.
  5. Put as many bells and whistles as you want on a flawed system - what will ensuring nothing changes. Change will only happen when a real education system is introduced that is student focused lead by competent teachers. And don't blame and belittle all Thai teachers, many are dedicated and endeavour to do their best, but unfortunately they are the product of the flawed system.
  6. Google, " burning out a stump with a barrel."
  7. Correct, recall the French revolution and more recently the Polish overthrow of their own government.
  8. My info is based on dealings back. In 2010, things may have changed in that time, although I don't think the ruling on portability has. I had a protracted fight with CL over portability, although I had been o/s for about 6 years prior to applying for OAP and was told I had to stay 2 years to keep the pension I maintained that my time o/s had been temporary as I was flying in as and out a few times each year. The reason I fought it was exactly what we are discussing now, I was told very clearly that if I departed anytime within 2 years my pension would stop, this didn't suit what I wanted so fought the system and was after a lengthy review by a seperate arbitrator classified as a resident and the 2 year wait period was waived - Lucky me. At the time I believed I would need to virtually re-apply when I returned, that point I didn't chase up as I was pushing to be classified as a resident.
  9. From my dealing some years back, no you can't.
  10. I think if you notify "who-ever" it has to be, that you are bringing "x" amount of money from the sale of your house or business or other legitimate source it's Ok - what the Gov. are tracking is crime money - as for tax implications I don't know what the implications are. 12 years back I transferred a large amount of money to Thailand - I had to report why - told them it was to build a new home for myself - transferred it all in one hit without any problems.
  11. Wrong physics, no pressure damage at 50 meters as the ship is fully flooded - the pressure is equal on both sides of the hull.
  12. I can see everyone now already running around like chooks' with no head trying to start up a salvage company - what a great contract from your mates, just imagine the brown envelopes that will be handed around.
  13. The only centrelink office you can take notice of is based in Hobart who are responsible for pensioners who are O/S, unfortunately it's a bit of a catch 22 due to the fact that they don't in theory take any notice of you until you are permanently O/S - but are fully up to speed on what's what whereas your local CL office don't really know much about it. I've just returned to Aus after 13 years in Thailand, I visited the local CL office and told them I was back for good and after much back and forth got my full pension and extra's reinstated, a week or so after this I had a call from Hobart asking if I was back for good which I confirmed. My advice is, be careful of what your local CL office tells you.
  14. Or more commonly known as the ar&e-hole of Thailand.
  15. as I said, leaving for short periods can / may cause a few problems - worth checking carefully with Centrelink prior to any trips.
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