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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. I thought you claimed to know the man who passed away was drunk. Now you are changing your story as usual. Third time now.
  2. I am not experienced enough to know all the roads but going from Phuket to Hua Hin was exciting. Only two lanes, a large lorry will pull out to overtake another lorry. So you end up with a lorry on your left, one in front boxed in. Then you end up with a line of cars tailgating at the rear. And a ditch on your right that if you end up in your will likely flip it until you hit a tree. Potential death on all sides. Throw in some good surfaces that suddenly turn bad without warning and other roadworks Justus adds to the thrill of living on the edge. Then add darkness and rain with nobody adjusting their speed and the blood really starts pumping. Then throw in the usual motorbikes with no lights going the wrong way, three wheelers in the overtaking lanes, animals and badly designed u-turn locations and you realise why those lucky amulets are so popular.
  3. Looks like in this case it was the UK breed. What chance did Aussies have? we sent them our thieves and prostitutes to a remote island and they evolved into what we saw in the video. No wonder the aborigines are trying to breed them out. Amazing the thai police didn’t press charges for disturbing the peace or similar.
  4. Getting on here and claiming that you knew what had happened when you didn’t is stupid. Then digging down when be informed of the facts is even more stupid.
  5. That must be handy in this day and age. To you still read from old paper maps when driving?
  6. It is amazing the amount of long term expats that really are. They don’t have a clue. I doubt if any Thais would go to England to live and not bother learning English.
  7. Don’t worry about Gottfrid, he makes up stories, usually doesn’t read the links, and is quite nasty. I, and others consider him clueless. The sand is a killer, especially in the dark. RIP
  8. Used to get a lot of signs “No Israelis” at the southern island resorts. same sort of thing, but they would be sharing one room between 6 plus people to save money.
  9. Maybe they assume that if you live here long enough to need a local drivers license that you might also be here long enough to learn to local lingo.
  10. That brings up the old legal dilemma. with a prostitute you are paying a fee for consent. If you don’t pay is that rape or is it theft or is irate breach of contract. It is a tricky one.
  11. Have you got any photos?
  12. I doubt it would be from a towel. Do you trust your girlfriend and what does she do for a living?
  13. What is the standard rate for such a gang session and what kind of discount do they offer?
  14. If she was I don’t think it would have stopped Trump.
  15. I think he does. He is one of the Big Wig farangs in Pattaya Town. Honory counsel of Pattaya, used to run the show at immigration. He even wrote the Pattaya book. He was high up in the police force also. Nobody knows more about Pattaya than Barry.
  16. So it was one group of immigrants (farangs) who would not assimilate with the local population (aboriginal) fighting another group of immigrants (middle eastern) who would not assimilate.
  17. Was that the aborigines rioting or was it one group of immigrants fighting another group of immigrants?
  18. Where are you? Here? Says the long termer in Thailand who complains about all the Thai rules and regulations daily and who can not read or write Thai after many years.
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