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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. That’s the problem with some people drink driving unfortunately.
  2. Poor old Eminem. Getting passed around by all those black rappers. No wonder he is always so angry.
  3. And the real reason is to keep all the young inmates in line. Do what we say or we will lock you up with Diddy for the night punk.
  4. I can see where he is coming from. Sucked into fighting a stupid war in Vietnam, a war for weapons of mass distruction that didn’t exist and the Afghanistan war because a Saudi bomber who was in Pakistan. Getting killed or maimed for life with PTSD and left to be homeless on return. All while Trump was living it up on private jets, banging porn stars and playboy models and playing golf. Terribly disrespectful to the vets but true.
  5. I understand your thoughts but when you get high numbers encouraging each other convincing themselves they are on the side of right then it is likely. we will find out in a couple of months. The Ununited States of America. Probably a good idea just to decide the country into two or more.
  6. It would be a joke if the UsA did not nominate themselves as the policeman of the world. It is remarkable how easily they are sucked in by looney conspiracy theories. Which makes it dangerous.
  7. Perhaps if the Republicans had put up someone decent then they would have had a very good chance of winning this election against such a mediocre opponent. Instead of the convicted Felon who many decent Republicans will not vote for. They shot themselves in the foot.
  8. Interesting, thanks for replying. The doc touched on many vets had lived all or a large part of their adult lives in conflicts abroad, with discipline, the comradory etc and when they returned they had some type of withdrawal, void in their lives which caused them to struggle living in peaceful society. What do you think? Valid, or have these people been brainwashed by idiots ideology? It is crazy to me that these people can walk around with guns and in uniforms as if they are some sort of real army.
  9. Documentary looks at USA war veterans and the reasons why so many are joining the many far right groups who will not accept the result if Harris wins the upcoming election. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/featured-documentaries/2024/9/19/against-all-enemies If Harris wins there will be bloodshed.
  10. Now now Little Dicky, dad always taught me if you don’t have anything nice to say then it is better to say nothing at all. Obviosly you had a different style of parents.
  11. Much better now and a big thanks to the moderator volunteers. If I ever see you in real life I will buy you a beer.
  12. So what did he have under the frock? Rooster or a can’t?
  13. Thankyou for your question. VAT registered businesses can offset the VAT paid against their on VAT with their tax return. Not every business is VAT registered so it is to let you know. The service charge is there so you do not have to bother leaving a tip. Makes it easier.
  14. Now I am confused. I think you will find more on the right hate Jews. It is across the political spectrum. And across the world. Why do you think that is?
  15. Why should they? They have t done a damn thing for the UK either!!!
  16. Why is it so taboo to anti semetic? People have an a right to think for themselves. Trump is anti China. Anyway I was going to vote for Trump, Taylor has convinced me to vote for Harris.
  17. If you read the Facebook comments on this one you see similar, or perhaps worse comments about this incident. So you are just imagining things and making yourself sick. Get well soon. Drugs and mental illness with this woman, the beach pisser was drunk?
  18. The Indian, Chinese and Russians have some beautiful women. Maga women are feral.
  19. Give me Chinese, Indians and Russians any day over MAGAs.
  20. Oh, you were that guy earlier claiming abortion is prohibited in Thailand. You probably heard that one in the bar. Probably just a language barrier issue.
  21. I took out a beautiful Haitian woman once. It was just a casual date and we went past a popular hotdog stand. So I asked her had she ever tried hot dogs before. She said no but she was happy to give one a try. When we got to the front of the line she saw the hot dogs and started looking a bit concerned. She then said “Sorry Malcolm, in my town we don’t eat that part of the dog”
  22. Why is “anti semetic” taboo, but anti India, anti Chinese, anti Muslim and anti Thai not? And anti Russian?
  23. 1. Rubbish everywhere. 2. Australian old aged pensioner sex tourists complaining about Indians
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