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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Nah, they just were tougher, and got on with it. Without all the complaining. No PC woke snowflakes back then.
  2. People in their 60/70s have it easy. Good something for me to look forward to. Though I won’t be interested in a high or low paying job.
  3. People complain too much these days. Probably social media makes it worse. Life has never been easier. They expect the government to fix all their problems. Far right are just dummy spitting losers who need to blame other people for their sad failed lives. They should just get on with it and cheer up.
  4. I go for the spicy street food. Gives me food poisoning every couple of weeks which helps me lose weight so I can drink more beer.
  5. It is a place to hold the funeral ceremonies and have parties.
  6. So most Thais are not really religious at all. Apart from the Muslims, and even worse, the Christians. i have seen a few weird young westerners, mostly Americans, going around trying to convert the locals to Jesus. I saw them in Soi 6 years ago and have heard they also descend on universities trying to convert. The Thais mostly don’t like them.
  7. I don’t need to do anything. Three building get attacked in the USA and you are shocked. But you guys have wiped out entire towns and villages in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Syria, Korea, Iraq etc etc. Lot of blood on your hands. At home you are the Land of Mass Shootings. That you commit these slaughters is bad enough, That you lie and deny makes it worse.
  8. If it wasn’t for the easy Thai women I think it is safe to say 97% of us wouldn’t be here.
  9. I suppose I would have to get fit, take care of my personal hygiene and grooming and actually have to talk to them while pretending to care what they are saying.
  10. Those countries killed their own people. We were referring to countries that go out and kill other people in other countries. Since WW2 (modern times) the USA leads this.
  11. If a foreign male kicks a Thai woman in the head they should expect a good stabbing really. Teach him some manners.
  12. Attractive woman and speaks English very well. I am behind her and wish her all the best.
  13. And Brits can sell women and beer in Soi 6. And Russians can sell real estate.
  14. Deliberate to trigger or just an innocent mistake. The frequency in which this happens makes me suspicious to be honest.
  15. Bloody terrible isn’t it. And they somehow have convinced themselves they hold the high ground and nobody should mention it. An inconvenient truth.
  16. Brilliant piece of whataboutism that one. Mentioned everything except the millions of dead.
  17. Pretty hard to stop going downhill with no brakes in a gas tanker at an intersection that has had nearly 500 accidents in the last three years. So in summary here are my corrections for your errors 1) the girl was dragged 2) it was a gas tanker 3) brakes not speed 4) girl was 16 not 17 if you need to know anything else feel free to ask me.
  18. See Richard, you are too dim to realize that this is a translation that has been deliberately “enhanced “ for readers like you who just accept. Do you really think a Thai truck driver would speak English to a Thai policeman here? Please use your brain. Here is the original article that this story originated from. https://siamrath.co.th/n/559430 NOWHERE a does it claim the driver said such a thing. He didn’t say it. In English or Thai. Now I wouldn’t expect you to actually be able to read Thai despite living here for two decades. So ask your Thai friend or wife to read it for you and you will see that he never said that at all. This site relies on revenue, by claiming such things it gets people like yourself to post more = more revenue. You have been sucked in Richie. Fell for it hook line and sinker. Please fact check what I have just informed you with a Thai before continuing your rant about what you THINK the driver actually said. You will see you are wrong again, not that you will admit it on here. You will go silent for a change. To be clear the driver did not say he was “going too fast to stop in time” . It never happened.
  19. If I see someone like the OP or other intimidated white woman with stink eye I will hold hands and also caress her buttocks and give her a general feel up, stick my tongue in her ear etc. and tell her to look like she is about to cry.
  20. Every thread is the same when a Thai and a foreigner is involved. They all just pile on the Thais without thinking and if anyone dares to go against the narrative and think it through they will be called a troll or a Thai apologist, usually someone will bring up “rose tinted glasses” etc All very predictable. Muppets Like Thais go around stabbing foreigners in the neck unprovoked.
  21. The drama seems to follow you all over the world. I wonder why?
  22. Is that the actual pick? A lot of photos are just for “illustration purposes” on this forum.
  23. I am not interested. People who are always looking for fights and conflict find them. Amazing how that works.
  24. Never had anything but pleasant experiences with Thais. Some people are constantly in conflict. It stems from their attitude. They have no idea and are complaining about Thais daily.
  25. Kor Tort would have been more appropriate than telling him good luck. I sure you will pick up the lingo soon.
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