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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. I remember going to an old persons home once and thinking to myself that there were no fat people there. Not many fatties make it past 80. I doubt Trump will be alive for another four years being that obese. He probably should let someone else run.
  2. They are so dumb as rocks. His base is the low educated poorer people.
  3. I can’t say it would worry me. Does it worry you?
  4. Yeah, spot on, unfortunately this is the new reality. Scientists told us 30 years ago it would be hotter and storms would be heavier. We just had the hottest year on record, an absolute scorcher and these heavy rains are only going to get worse. The deniers all claimed 10-20-30 years ago it would never actually happen, but the scientists were spot on, and now with faced by the reality of it being hotter and wetter the deniers are deluding themselves now that it is a natural occurrence, which is also false. Many talk about how hot it was 3 billion years ago seemingly forgetting that humans did not exist then. Thankfully the vast majority of people these days accept the reality and the conspiracy denier loons are a shrinking minority to be laughed at and are not being listened to when it comes to government policy.
  5. No Trumps money printing caused inflation, not only in the USA. If you print more money than what the economy grows it will ALWAYS cause inflation. And so did his tariffs. It would have happened anyway. Trump added a lot to the government debt also. He is an economic dud. Only rich because his dad was. He had a few wins which he kept and a lot of failures which he managed to make other people wear.
  6. Does that make America great? Like saying spewing up is great because diarrhea is worse.
  7. Which we will win by the way. we will never surrender.
  8. And they get all precious and defensive and seemed surprised that those whose families, businesses and homes they have destroyed are annoyed.
  9. Nah. You have a lot of problems over there that will not be fixed by either Trump or Harris. I don’t think America will ever be great again, it is a sinking ship, too divided on race, religion and politics. Massive debt and drug issues, homeless. About one third of you hates another one third sadly. who are you voting for?
  10. No, I am not under that delusion. Many dislike us and rightly so. There is no denying it.
  11. I wouldn’t be too sure about Lou. Thousands do meet that way. Thai massage is famous around the world for happy endings. So,e say it is more famous than Thai food.
  12. It was a very limp wristed attack. Not much in it. Prawit has never been married and loves jewelry. Just sayin.
  13. I have lent money to friends in the past and borrowed money from friends also. If you want to be sure that a Thai will pay you back get them to put your name on the back of a Land Title, registered at the land Office. It is known as a Guy Fark. If they don’t pay you are entitled to sell the land without going to court. If you use the weaker Jumnong way you will have to go to court to sell the land. Guy Fark is more secure.
  14. Often wondered why Catholic priests rape kids in first world Christian countries. And get away with it. And celebrities, Jimmy Seville etc. Religion is based on lies, some of which are absurd, but there is social pressure to respect them (monks, priests, imams) for their beliefs. Conmen and women often hide behind them. i hope that clears that up for you.
  15. Thai long time friend. Funny how Bar English becomes normal in Thailand. i would have used the term “old friend” or perhaps even “long term friend”. Where did they meet?
  16. Another keyboard warrior who can’t even spell. These stories of violence bring them out.
  17. Well that is a timely reminder to not take your fists to a gunfight.
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