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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. You are very welcome to join me. Give those keyboard warrior skills a bit of a workout in a real life situation.
  2. Rubbish, Thais pay compensation to drop charges all the time. It is way the legal system works here, the police see if they can get a compromise which saves court time. Very clever these Thais.
  3. I don’t think it was a racial attack. More David’s frail ego and short temper, but not racist.
  4. No. I have been kicking quite a few Thais lately and a lot harder than that limp ankled attempt by Dopey David. i am heading down to my Muay Thai gym in an hour or so to give a few more a good kicking. i really enjoy it.
  5. You do the cleaning? Doing the wash? You are a lot older than her? It won’t last.
  6. Unfortunately your google search proved you wrong. Not a single Thai woman was on your list of greatest 101 inventions, which included chocolate chip cookies and other equally amazing developments.
  7. Woke is the latest buzzword. Buzzword is an older version of a buzzword. Trump isnt woke. It has been said that the Trumps used to evict black people from his rental units.
  8. You sound a bit woke. Thankfully there is no law in Thailand stating you have to like Americans. Or any other nationality. I am not alone, plenty if not most of Earths population dislikes Americans. And if you check the UK news for the last two weeks you will see some tensions based on races not liking each other. I think most people are racist to varying degrees but woke/PC has made it unfashionable to actually admit it. Different cultures have different characteristics, some which I don’t like, I really like Thais. Go Trump!!! Grab em by the cat!
  9. It flows through to us older, overweight farangs here also who expect a much younger attractive woman to cook and clean for us.
  10. They were working to put food on the table probably. Not easy being an immigrant worker in Thailand RIP
  11. Comprehension is not his forte. Nasty half witted dull comments are his speciality that are an attempt to troll but completely miss the mark.
  12. Sadly women all around the world largely rely on sex to generate most of their wealth. They want equality, but only when it suits them. I can not think of any significant things, such as air travel, electricity , TVs, phones etc that women have contributed to mankind and the lifestyle we enjoy today. Women generally speaking are quite lazy and often quite stupid. Many are conniving and sneaky and lie a lot and shameless entitled gold diggers. Men are way smarter, we could live easily without women, but they wouldn’t survive without us.
  13. Nah. Rapists, terrorists, kiddy fiddlers, heroin and amphetamine dealers, murderers etc all much, much worse. i have told you a million times before to not exaggerate.
  14. Are you talking about Trump? This thread is about Trump, why all the personal off topic attacks on other contributors?
  15. How do you know what the punishment will be? Sentences in Thailand are quite severe and jail conditions are harsh. Don’t take her to the USA, high chance she will be shot at school.
  16. It might be that American who did the horse a couple of months back. It was a misunderstanding. His friends told him to go to Thailand to make love with the whores. But he thought they said go to Thailand to make love with the horse.
  17. You keep cleaning fish, I will stick to the science https://qz.com/358811/heres-why-your-farmed-salmon-has-color-added-to-it#:~:text=Since farm-raised salmon live,chicken fat%2C genetically engineered yeast.&text=An essential ingredient in these pellets is astaxanthin.
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