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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Well you have previously posted about road rage incidents and it seems you struggle elsewhere. Your Thai friend having to give you numbers everywhere you go. Not surprised with your attitude to be honest. Gee, what an embarrassment.
  2. Kao Talo It is a hill, not an island. As usual a complete pile on the Thais. Perhaps the Pole with bad driving nearly killed the Thai on his motorbike. I have seen some near misses with bad farang drivers. And teens sticking up for their mates. Wow, so shocking. That’s what teens do.
  3. With 494 accidents in 3 years there I think it might be an issue of the traffic lights being too close to the bottom of the bridge and not being visible. If 10 accidents happened there in three years perhaps you could blame the drivers, a hundred would be stretching it, but 500??? Every 2 days!!!! We obviously have a problem. Come on people, use your brains for once. Nothing against this wonderful free forum but the information is often wrong, badly translated, AI generated and the photos are never actually of the actual incident. The driver did NOT say he was speeding. He said he was going too fast to stop in time (because of the situation). Poorly designed intersection and driving a heavy tanker. The dumber people are the ones more often that revert to the “troll” accusation rather than do a bit of easy research and find the real facts. Research that would be quicker than writing your long winded posts based on inaccurate information.
  4. Actually a highly awarded poster with many “popular posts” It is only you and three others that have a problem. And you four all seem to have issues with other members also. It is predictable. So I don’t take it personally. It is you, not me. The older two are going through grumpy old men menopause. The other two I suspect are on the spectrum.
  5. Stop carrying on. 30 years incident free. Most road deaths are caused by sober people.
  6. an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. "he had an accident at the factory" I go and argue with the dictionary.
  7. You are really just showing either that you will argue about anything or you are just plain stupid. Riding a motorcycle is much more dangerous drunk because you need to balance which is affected by alcohol. Thank God you didn’t kill anybody. tried it a few times myself, and decided it wasn’t safe so I don’t do it anymore. Especially in areas where sand gets on the road. At night. I hardly ride anywhere anymore even sober. Too dangerous as statistics prove. I think Pailin would probably have survived if she was in a car. A trip to the panel beaters, not a funeral. RIP Pailin 16 was too young. PS if you are going to correct someone Richard, please double check your facts otherwise you will make yourself look like a fool. Again.
  8. Write to Bryan Flowers at Nightwish group. He is their boss.
  9. You must be new here. A trained eye can spot them a mile off.
  10. Well I have obviously hit a sensitive nerve with you. If it is not the USA that has killed the most people since WW2 could you please enlighten me to who it actually is. Not including all the bombs you provide other countries to such as Israel to do the dirty work for you. I will await your answer.
  11. I was in Krabi last week having a piss behind a tree when I spotted a 12 foot python. It was coming for me but then saw my python and it scuttled off in fear.
  12. Is the United States the country that has killed the most people in history? The US has likely killed 40-50 million, likely on the lower end, in it’s entire 245 year History, as Explained here, which Translates to 160-200k a year! How many people has America has killed in all wars in different countries? Iraq- from 100,000 to 1 million deaths, depending on which estimate you go by. Afghanistan-very difficult to say. The Pentagon refuses to count civilian deaths anymore. Gulf War- most estimates around 50,000 deaths. Central America- US supported dictatorships and the terrorist Contras killed over 300,000 in the 1980s. 200,000 of that was in Guatemala, an outright genocide vs Mayan Indians that Reagan backed with weapons, money, and training. In El Salvador, the US also bombed the nation from US bases in the Panama Canal Zone. So US responsibility for these atrocities is shared with the dictatorships. Vietnam- at least 1 million, some estimates double that. This includes by chemical warfare, Agent Orange and napalm, and also with mass torture, the Phoenix Program that killed at least 20,000. Cambodia- 500-600,000 deaths. Some scholars argue what Nixon did constituted genocide. The Khmer Rouge also came to power because of Nixon and was later supported by Reagan. US overthrows of other nations in the Cold War- difficult to add up but very high. Ass'n of Responsible Dissent, made up of former CIA agents, estimated 6 million deaths. In just one case, Indonesia in 1965, there were a half million deaths. Here blame is shared with the various dictator clients. WWII- As Mr. Malik pointed out, here we are talking a defensive war, one against an undeniably evil enemy. So to lay blame on the US is false and unethical. The three areas where the US gov't does share some blame is refusing to try to halt the Holocaust. The US could have offered refuge, or bombed bridges and railroad depots. Potentially one tenth of the deaths may have been halted. The US also targeted German and Japanese civilians, killing at least 300,000, plus some civilians in occupied nations. These are not accidental deaths, but a deliberate policy of killing defense industry workers. And the A bombs dropped on civilians, killing nearly 300,000. Most military men argued vs using the A bomb. Most scholars now agree it did not end or shorten the war. Japan surrendered because of the Soviets entering the war. WWI-Neither side in this war were ethical, so how to lay blame? Philippines War- caused far more deaths than the Spanish American War. The lowest estimates are 200,000, including the use of concentration camps and waterboarding. Some estimates as high as 1 million. "Indian" Wars- almost in all cases, US aggression. Worst than that was the starvation tactics, deliberate mass killing of the buffalo by the US gov't, which is an element of genocide. The Native population in what is now the US was between 12 and 18 million in 1492. By 1900 it was 200,000. Most of those deaths were in colonial times, so blame mostly goes to the British. Some believe in a form of genocide denial, blaming disease as "accidental." First, disease was sometimes deliberately spread. It was also more devastating because of deliberate starvation tactics. (See above.). And finally, if one goes into an area knowing people will die because you spread disease, you are guilty of their deaths. Even before Europeans and white Americans knew about germs, they saw and knew the obvious, that they brought diseases and spread them to Natives and Pacific Islanders. They were just as culpable as an AIDS infected person having unprotected sex would be today. Civil War- here the blame should be solely on the Confederate aggressors who began the war. But they were legally still US citizens. 500,000 is the most widely used estimate. California Indian Genocide- 120,000 to 300,000 deaths during the Gold Rush, including widespread enslavement of Indians. These were mostly done by vigilante miners' militias. US Mexico War- 30,000 deaths. War of 1812- 12,000 deaths. In both these wars, the US was the aggressor. Slavery- deaths by the crushing of slave revolts should certainly count.
  13. It is the prostitutes money. She received it for services provided.
  14. Those Burmese out on the Thai fishing boats comes close.
  15. Thanks for your question A recent example could be the Olympics. the best get gold, second best get silver, the third best bronze, losers get nothing. There are many other awards, like the Nobel, Miss Universe, world rankings etc. i have quite a few awards myself. I need a room to keep all my awards and trophies I have been collecting since I was young.
  16. Turns out he was actually a British born Christian from Africa, not an Arab.
  17. Complete nonsense. i am better than you for example. You are in Lala land if you think we are all “equal”.
  18. The Thai hookers are world leaders. When most people around the world, even those who have never been her, hear the word Thailand it is what most people think of first. They are on top of the game because of their exotic looks, sexual skills and cheap rates. You won’t find better anywhere in the world. They make hookers from other countries seem like amateurs.
  19. Threesome? A lot of bar girls are highly sexualized after years on the game and vanilla sex with an old guy won’t cut it.
  20. They probably couldn’t take anymore of your bizarre theories.
  21. Looks like we have a loser who worships Andrew Tate nonsense. Probably an incel
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