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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. No Fred, it has already been established that they live in Pattaya, and are regular golfers. It has also been established that it was a single Thai security official that pushed him away after the drunken farang was getting in his face after having been politely asked to stop leaning on a car. And it looks like the head wound was actually caused by the working girls who dropped him while trying to get him off the road.
  2. Well there is the evidence. A pack of rabid Thai bouncers attacking an innocent Farang trying to kill him as imagined by all the Thai haters!! Or an argumentative drunken Farang getting in the face of a single Thai security professional who pushed him away.
  3. What? I think is the problem with farangs like you and this guy that think Thai lives don’t matter. That is where you guys struggle. He wasn’t beaten. He was drunk, got pushed and fell over.
  4. Gawd you carry on with imagined nonsense. The drunk Canadian fell over after being asked to get off somebody else’s car.
  5. Quite possibly Lou. Those Nightwish Group bouncers are on call there for problems in a number of bars. As we saw with the Brits they might not be big guys, but they know how to handle themselves.
  6. Well there you go. All the posters here who imagined that 20 viscous Thai bouncers bashed the bloke. He was drunk and fell over injuring himself.
  7. Experience. Never had a problem and have seen the Thais show a lot more restraint than security back in the UK.
  8. They are all weird over there. Strange people the Americans.
  9. Nightwish Group security. Brit owned and managed. Maybe they have been watching the news of the riots back home and didn’t want to miss out? I think there will be more to this incident than just leaning on a car. Thais just don’t go around bashing farangs for no reason. Likely an assault on a female or not wanting to pay a bill followed by some mouthing off and drunkenness has caused this.
  10. How do you know Bob? You do seem quite concerned about Thai cocks. You often talk about them. Not something that I think about.
  11. Plenty of your countrymen have worked in Thailand illegally.
  12. I am not in the habit of checking out other men’s penises. Zero interest to me. But if it is your thing then good luck with that.
  13. I am talking about Thais who want to travel, not illegally work. They are discriminated against because they are Thai. It is racist.
  14. Pound for pound they are better fighters than us. National sport is Muay Thai. It sounds like you are intimidated by them. Have you been watching the news about the rioters back home this week? Not much one on one going on. A lot of brick throwing.
  15. I bet you didn’t park there again. Lesson learned. What were you driving back then?
  16. It is awesome isnt it. Lets face the reality, most of us are here because of the well trained women and are relieved to have escaped the feminist nightmares back home. Very clever the Thai men, not only are the women very attractive but they get them to do everything. Male paradise this country.
  17. The situation is even worse in the UK. Not only do we not appreciate them, we are out rioting to protest against them. i expected a red carpet when I arrived, but nothing.
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