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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. For 2 months already I'm monitoring the gold price, since I want to buy gold as an alternative to have all my eggs in the same basket (read savings accounts). Since the US election, the price of gold in USD has declined steadily, but at the same time the value of the baht against the USD has also declined, which nullifies the decline of the gold price in Thai baht. Seemingly, the BoT currently has a policy to weaken the baht against the USD Some day the price of gold in Thai baht actually increases, while in the US it decreases at the same time, for that reason. Inflation is still real, so the gold price in the US may again increase in the foreseeable future, but the baht most likely will also strengthen again, which then will nullify the gold price increase. So what you think. Please note, I'm not asking what the gold price will do in USD, but in Thai baht. For example, this evening the price of gold has declined by 1.28% in the US, but in Thailand the price decline is hardly noticeable, because the baht has weakened at the same time. I look at the Hua Seng Heng price index which get update 24 hours a day. https://checkprice-huasengheng-com.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=th&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
  2. Not sure what you mean, because bikes don't have brake cables anymore for the past few decades. They are hydraulic.
  3. As I purchased a Nmax scooter, I'm a bit worried about it getting stolen. I have disc locks, but not really like them, because it may damage the bike if someone tries to move it, and bit of hassle to mount it as well. Therefor I was looking at a lever lock, which seems effective and easy, on first sight. So would you recommend it, or what lock do you use?
  4. So as a European I can get a Schwab account in Euros that pays interest? Could it be you missed the point of the OP, which is getting interest?
  5. There are links to the blackrock fund in the Wise link in the OP
  6. The motorbike was not in the left lane, he was speeding on the hard shoulder. Motorbikes are not allowed to ride on the hard shoulder in Thailand
  7. First of all, withholding tax in Belgium is 15%, secondly you pay withholding tax in the country you are tax resident, which is Thailand
  8. As the title says, Wise has accounts in USD - GBP - EUR, that can earn you interest. https://wise.com/gb/interest/ They aren't actual savings accounts, but rather investments in a BlackRock fund. Anyone here that has money in such an account for a considerable time already, and can give feedback on the performance compared to a savings or other currency account in the same currency?
  9. Correct, all my accounts with different banks get taxed from the very first baht of interest, because somehow they are aware that the total of my yearly interests of all banks combined is above 20K. So at the start of the year I get the documents, quoting the taxes that were withheld, from each bank, file them with the revenue office and get them refunded. A few years ago I had no problem to have the banks not deduct the withholding taxes, but suddenly the same banks refused that, although I never get above 20K interest in a single bank, so I think the revenue office flags your accounts once they know combined interests is above 20K
  10. Got my bike. Nmax purchased at Mityon October 2024, with 2600 km on the clock. Came with all documents, including service book and original invoice. Dark green color, and looks as if it came out of the showroom yesterday. Paid 75K including transfer. Think I had a good deal.
  11. I'm sure the Aussie OP already regrets he started this thread, because it's backfiring big time, since those cuts are actually a good thing in reducing the deficit, something Trump promised in his campaign. The democrats were giving money away to get votes, which is unsustainable in the long term. A country doesn't run on freeloaders.
  12. CallumWK

    Soil Bukhao

    Yes it was one way for 5 minutes, after which they switched back to two way
  13. They all say 10.000 is only when sign up for the rip off finance.
  14. How about get lost yourself, because you have posted so much disinformation already that is unbelievable
  15. You must be a millionaire if you can afford to eat at BK frequently. I agree that they are better, and I would also eat at BK when their prices were still reasonable, since then I haven't used BK or McD for years
  16. The OP isn't about Japanese gals though
  17. Probably because they didn't get rich the same way as your overly corrupt hero
  18. Are they of the same invisibility as the Chinese police which is operating in most western countries?
  19. Thanks I will be there today to check out. To Mityon I previously went in person to 2 different branches, and both gave me same price. Only today I asked them over the phone. If I can get an extra 5K at the branch you mention, then the difference with second hand is only 10K.
  20. I just called Mityon again, and asked why they advertise 10K discount, but offered me only 5K. The answer was, 5K if you pay cash, 10K if you pay in installments (read pay 50% more for the same bike 😄). Only in Thailand. Thanks anyway for the heads-up, I think 92.300 baht everything included is to be considered, over 74K + the extras for a +1 year old bike, even if it has only 5000 km on the clock
  21. Can you please give me some more details as where on third road, or maybe a name. Mityon is also on third road, corner with South Pattaya road.
  22. Sounds like a keeper. Good luck farang
  23. Thanks, where you get that discount please? At Mityon Pattaya they offer 5000 bht. 92.300 baht including registration - tax - insurance and 2 helmets.
  24. ironically shopee and lazada have your email, and probably Decathlon as well after you ordered.
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