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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Because you don't have to be a tax resident to get a 1 year extension. You can have 1 year extensions and stay less 180 days in Thailand
  2. Maybe stop the selective reading to prevent making an invalid point. From your own link. While evidence suggests it has generally resulted in higher productivity, some studies indicate that working from home can have a negative impact on one's motivation and creativity. And Dr. Benjamin B. Dunford: Remote Working Heightens Risk of Miscommunication These issues often lead to unresolved conflicts and misaligned expectations, hindering the team's ability to engage in healthy, productive discussions and effectively navigate disagreements.
  3. Plenty of researches available that prove remote work is 10 - 20% less productive. Only anti Trumpers will deny everything the Republicans introduce
  4. Oh yes we did, and there may even be earlier ones.
  5. No the shoulder doesn't disappear, the third lane disappears. But as we all know already that you like to hear your own voice, and in every thread want to have the last word, don't bother to reply as I will not engage in any conversation with you again.
  6. It is still no point of discussion for me. The road in the picture is a 1 lane road, where there is a signage that it concerns a designated bike lane, and there is a double white line, which indicates that it can not be crossed by either the bikes or the cars. So it is not even to be used as a hard shoulder. The road in Phuket is a 2 lane road, with no bike lane signage, and a single white line
  7. Maybe comprehension isn't your strongest point, try to read my post again, s l o w l y this time. I said insurance will not pay if there is head trauma because no helmet. Does that make him at fault? Certainly it does for the insurance
  8. Are you sure about that? I'm confident that if there is head trauma because not wearing a helmet, the insurance will refuse to pay, regardless if at fault or not.
  9. It's not unclear. If there is a full white or yellow line between the hard shoulder and the road, it is an emergency lane. And it is not allowed for motorized vehicles to use the emergency lane, except in emergencies
  10. I'm sure that ladyboy is now serving a 10 year jail sentence, not?
  11. I'm pretty sure their change of policy is not directly directed at people using the bathrooms, but that comes with the rules of course. As another poster mentioned already, and I know there are posters on this forum that do this, is people who sit for hours working online without ordering a consumption. It is also clear from the OP what triggered the change of rules. They were not just there using the toilet. This policy marks a departure from the company’s 2018 decision to allow unrestricted public access to its stores. That change was implemented following a widely publicized incident in Philadelphia, where two Black men were arrested while waiting for a business meeting at a Starbucks. They had not made a purchase,
  12. Wonder where those liquors at 200 baht per liter are available
  13. And I have such a feeling that this is the case here. Pretty sure the property was paid for by the foreigner, but he was forced to get a duplicate, because he didn't have access to the title deed. I can very well imagine why
  14. The woke keyboard warriors are in full attendance in this thread. Surprised they didn't go in by the SWAT team
  15. Ye you are missing that he made a false police report.
  16. I don't see any mention of Iron in the Sentry ingrediends B2 -1.7mg ; B1 -1.5mg ; B6 - 3mg ; B12 - 25mcg So not sure where you get you total 1mg from Vitamin D is plenty available in Thailand from sunshine. And after all, this is a supplement, not a vitamin replacement. So yes doses will be lower than daily requirement suggestions, because one also eats during the day.
  17. How did you manage that, because according to Wise regulations, Austrians are not eligible? EEA Interest is available to consumers and businesses that are residents in Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary*, Netherlands, and Sweden* and is subject to applicable rules and regulations. Stocks is available to consumers and businesses that are residents in Estonia, Finland, France, Netherlands, and Sweden* and is subject to applicable rules and regulations. https://wise.com/help/articles/31thpWvBl38OL54poT6VAE/who-can-use-interest-and-stocks?origin=related-article-GDxZxemd21yDVP4TQmdDJ
  18. The FDA regulates dietary supplements under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. The FDA's role includes inspecting manufacturing facilities, reviewing new ingredients, and investigating complaints. Manufacturers and distributors are prohibited from marketing products that are misbranded or adulterated. The FDA can take action against products that are misbranded or adulterated after they reach the market.
  19. Please elaborate on your claims, other than that it's your personal opinion, with some sources.
  20. I was just reading the thread you started in that regard. I seems the pump can be repaired for about 2000 baht, so why did you go for bypassing the light, as 2000 bht doesn't break the bank. As another poster also pointed out, the pump will not be manufactured by Yamaha, so probably a fixed pump will be as good as a new one.
  21. Thanks for the heads up. I bought a 3 month old bike already, so it still has 4 years and 9 months warranty. I presume that the defects you mention are covered by the warranty?
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