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  1. You are posting nonsense as per usual. Do you actually think that Thailand is unusual? The difference is how much you pay.
  2. Some people's brains don't mature at all. It's not just a question of age, but of upbringing.
  3. I discussed having a back up at the time. Get your wife to call them. 1175. Also ask her to run a Test My speed test and report back, so we can gauge the problem.
  4. I doubt they have limited anything. Best to call them and get them to fix it, especially as you didn't bother to check out any alternatives when you had the opportunity. Sometimes it's just a simple matter of your router utilising another LTE band without your knowledge. Switch back to the one that was fast and all back to normal. But not every router allows manual switching. Is it in a phone or router?
  5. At a 30 baht a kg budget, I don't think the OP is going to be ordering a Greek Salad. Cannot imagine what is in the salad to make it so heavy.
  6. I wonder if they have children of their own? Almost goes without saying that there are very many sick minded individuals amongst us.
  7. So according to your earlier statement, she's onto a big money maker. 😊
  8. Delusional... I blame the heat for the road rage incident 😊
  9. Please note that I have edited the codes.
  10. Answer above. Just buy a normal SIM for 50 baht and add the package that you choose.
  11. You can buy it as a ready SIM or buy a normal SIM and add it as a package. *777*7698# Alternatively, if you want to do it monthly; for 8 baht more per month, *777*9273# gives you Internet speed 15Mbps, 30GB per month(40 GB with free 10 GB add-on) Unlimited free calls to all networks (15 minutes/call) AIS WIFI free unlimited Press *777*7673# to receive 10GB of free internet to make it 40GB per month
  12. Nonsense....
  13. Almost completely erroneous 😊
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