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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Your so bias, nothing he states will please you.
  2. We don’t need you.
  3. I know what I’m talking about. You can’t handel the truth.
  4. You have done nothing. You can't even deal with Russia.
  5. The blue states are not paying their fair share. Thus, the budget defcit.
  6. You people had 70 years to do so. The Russian bear has been in your back yard for three years and you do nothing.
  7. I feel bad for this lady. But, what was she thinking?
  8. He lacks the power to cut and Medicare.
  9. You have choices? You keep on making the wrong choices.
  10. The United States remains the world’s largest military spender by far. In dollar terms, the US represents about two-thirds of NATO countries’ annual defence spending, budgeting an estimated $967bn. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/11/how-much-does-each-nato-country-spend-in-2024#:~:text=NATO military expenditure (2014-2024,largest military spender by far.&text=In 2014%2C NATO allies in,defence spending by 225 percent. The Euro’s need to step up an pay their fair share.
  11. Europe is dying continent. You people are killing yourselve with your huge soical wefare state. You don’t innovative. You can’t defend yourself without help the US from the USA. You’re a bunch of losers.
  12. The West will not fund this year forever, and your Trump hate is clouding your judgment.
  13. Such a huge congentgent. You Euro’s are ulsess when it comes doing big things.
  14. This is a stupid idea, and will die in the Senate.
  15. The West built bloated social welfare states, and now, they can’t afford anything. Toss in the issue of an aging population and low birth rates. The West is in decline.
  16. Russia is slowing bleeding. Putin thought this war would be over in a few weeks. Now it’s year three and the war is slowing wreching the Russian ecomony.
  17. This is another stupid narrative. Do you evern know the before an after of the tax brackets?
  18. This article is an example of weak thinking. For one, the writer talks about a trillion-dollar transfer program and cries about Medicare. 1) Who the <deleted> put the program in place in the first place. 2) the deficit is nearly two trillion dollars, which means the blue states are not paying their fair share. 3) Then, if anyone tries to trim the cost of Medicare. Who will stand in the way and cry about the most vulnerable? The lefties push these stupid narratives while building a government that we can't afford.
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