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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Did Joe Biden pardon CornPop?
  2. Maybe I can get a pardon in the future for tax evasion. Just in case.
  3. Does Biden know he took this action?
  4. They must be gulty of something.
  5. Maybe next time run a qualty canidate.
  6. Biden did revive the ecomoney. The ecomney was reviving it self as the states eased up on the lock downs before Biden enterned office. His massive spending programs did gave us inflation.
  7. I’ve been managing a remort work force since March 2020. Over time people are leaning how to become slacker.
  8. I don't give a damn if you have been groped. It's inappropriate for males to slap a random woman's ass in public.
  9. The central planners want the middle class to live in Soviet-style block housing.
  10. I wish Putin would turn off the gas. This would doom the Russian economy.
  11. I can buy a lot of rubles with the spare change in my pocket.
  12. Please kick the USA out of NATO, and remove all the US bases from Europe. Please, please, Please.
  13. Deinstitutionalization The civil rights and civil liberties movements of the 1960s led to the release of long-term psychiatric patients from state hospitals. Many of these patients ended up living on the streets without adequate support
  14. Yes, it’s aways best to get your news from a comedy show.
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