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Everything posted by TedG

  1. But all they did was radicalize me, and so now they make me afraid. See, now they are about to see this other Cori, this other side, because let me say this, I just grew up a whole lot more over the last few weeks – just grew up a whole different way. And so what they are about to get, they think… I don’t think that anything, there is nothing that happens in my life that happens in vain. So this happened, it’s because it was meant to happen. And let me say, it’s because of the work that I need to do. And let me say this: AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down. Cori Bush
  2. Here is the graph of disinformation vs the actual data. The blue spike up in the graph of disinformation is colored blue trying to attribute this to Biden. This happened in Q3 2020, which was during the Trump administration.
  3. Pot meet kettle.
  4. You're conflating socialism with the welfare state. Socialism is where the government (the people) owns the means of production.
  5. Name a Democrat who does not lie.
  6. Sorry for your loss.
  7. Is Putin opposed to Ukraine's special operation?
  8. Pete Buttigieg has such a great track record in government. This would be the Fail-up administration.
  9. Russia won't pop off nukes. Anyway, if Russia could use overwhelming force, they would have used it. Russia is a paper tiger.
  10. I’m on Atorvastion, which combined with a second drug drove my LDL down to 38.
  11. That is such a weak sauce. Claim: "I am thrilled to report to you tonight that our economy is the best it has ever been." Reality Check: It's true the economy has been doing well during Mr Trump's presidency - but there have been times when it was even stronger. Claim: "We have created seven million jobs...and the unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century." Reality Check: Since Mr Trump took office in January 2017, almost 6.7 million jobs have been added. Jobs have been added every month dating back to October 2010, when President Obama was in office. The unemployment rate for December was 3.5%. This is the lowest level in 50 years - it last dropped to 3.5% in December 1969. Claim: "The unemployment rate for African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans has reached the lowest levels in history." Reality Check: The African American and Hispanic American unemployment rate hit 5.5% and 3.9% respectively in September 2019 - the lowest rates recorded since the US Labor Department started collecting these statistics in the 1970s. Claim: "Last year, for the first time in 51 years, the cost of prescription drugs actually went down". Reality Check: In the year to May 2019, the average monthly cost of prescription drugs fell by 0.2% according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics' Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the increase in the cost of household items in the US. Claim: "Illegal crossings are down 75% since May - dropping eight straight months in a row." Reality Check: President Trump was talking here about his efforts to tackle illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border. He's correct about this specific period in 2019.
  12. The US spent about 1 trillion in FY2023 to service the national debt, and no one in DC blinks an eye.
  13. I’m still waiting for you back up your claim.
  14. If they get control of congress they will tax and spend the US into oblivion.
  15. It bans the opposition party?
  16. You sort of sound undeducted.
  17. What is wrong with Project 2025?
  18. It’s not banned. I can buy it here. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=diary+of+anne+frank&crid=2FGK3U6HQMPPJ&sprefix=Diary+of+an%2Caps%2C95&ref=nb_sb_ss_pltr-xclick_1_11
  19. Walz is a riot.
  20. Which statin did they give you?
  21. The dems are pushing “ positivity and policy”? Really? What is authoritarian Project 2025?
  22. The "The Diary of Anna Frank" Is not banned.
  23. This guy is a far left loon who watched his state burn during the BLM riots.
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