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Everything posted by TedG

  1. How was the recovery last time? I underwent an ablation a few weeks ago.
  2. Both parties get large sums of money from Big Pharma. BTW..go <deleted> yourself.
  3. The Senate would vote No.
  4. They are lazy, and need to get off their asses. Russia is their backyard.
  5. Among the many statutes related to NATO is Section 1250A of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (2024 NDAA), which prohibits the President from withdrawing the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty without the approval of the Senate or statutory authorization
  6. Russia is a not all that strong. Why can’t the Europeans deal wtih Russia.
  7. But the EU is lazy. They are more concerned about their vast welfare state.
  8. People in the UK and Germany are tossed in jail for mean tweets. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/germany-online-hate-speech-prosecution-60-minutes/
  9. Vance was correct.
  10. Yep, the West did nothing in 2014 when Putin took Crimea. Obama did a few trivial sanctions, and Europe was their usual feckless selves. Putin is not leaving Ukraine unless he is forced out. Who is willing to provide the boots on the ground to remove Russia from Ukraine? Ukraine is outmanned. Putin has no issue spending people to their deaths for his cause, and Putin knows the West has weak knees.
  11. Yeah, Putin should be considered a war criminal. What is anyone going to do about it?
  12. Lefties are going to lefty.
  13. They have been locked up in Thailand for 11 years. Now they are deported to China. Shame on Thailand
  14. Eggs are high due to the bird flu.
  15. Inflaton at 9 percent is awful.
  16. Russia has an inflation problem.
  17. Europe did’nt so <deleted> after 9/11. They sent a token force. FFS….Europeans lack the abilty to do anthing hard.
  18. Europe does not have the means to defeat Russia. Defeating Russia will require an esculation of the war. The people of Europe are lame and expect the USA to do the heavy lifting.
  19. The EU does not want to do the hard work of builiding armies.
  20. When is the .AU going to send troops to Ukaine?
  21. That poster could not think himself out of a paper bag.
  22. Why should the USA bail out Europe again?
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