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Everything posted by SoCal1990

  1. It's got a slightly larger population than Chiang Mai. So it's not that small. And it's really nice. Clean, no pollution, great public transport and has the river and mountains.
  2. Japan is a fantastic place in so many ways, but I'm not sure I could live there full time. You can find a lower cost of living outside the big cities, but after a couple of months I find it a bit stifling in the sense of not having any international feel to the place. Very little imported food. Nearly everything there is made in Japan. Not to say that's bad, but it begins to feel a bit overwhelming in that sense. Thailand by comparison has a lot more variety in many ways and doesn't feel that way over time. But the fact that Japan is so civilized also makes it addicting.
  3. If you were coming for a trip to Asia for the first time, then which one of the popular Asian countries for travel would you choose to visit and why? Let's also assume that, in making your decision, that cost isn't an issue and that nightlife and girls aren't a focus. For me, the decision is simple. I choose Japan. Beautiful country, fantastic nature, interesting history, and culture, decent food, very safe and reliable, everything works, very clean, no petty crime or scams, excellent transportation systems, easy to get around, good hotels, polite people, etc. I would probably place Thailand second, Taiwan third, Singapore fourth and Malaysia as fifth. Bhutan would also be interesting for a short visit. Tibet would have been very interesting too, but about 30 years ago. The Philippines would likely be one of my last choices, along with Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.
  4. Yes, mainly she attacks the Western men on the site for their lifestyles in Thailand. Rare to find another man that would do that so crazily and relentlessly, over 100 times per day. She was probably badly abused by her father as a child who was perhaps also an angry alcoholic.
  5. And then you will get around 100 angry and frustrated posts from susanlea targeted purely at Western men as she crazily attempts to divert the topic away from the OP and into a tasteless pissing match.
  6. Sorry, unlike you, I gotta go now. I'll leave you to have the last word as always. Meanwhile, hopefully you will be able to reflect on yourself one day, before it's all too late. Good luck.
  7. Nearly 3,000 posts, all dire and desperate, and screaming for help. Acceptance of one's own condition is the first step towards mental health improvement. But you are still so far away from that outcome.
  8. This troll is most definitely a woman. Not even worth calling her a troll, which might be viewed as an art form, but more like just a nasty flamer. Mainly she attacks the men on the site for their lifestyles in Thailand, but without adding one ounce of lightheartedness or anything of interest to the discourse. Rate to find another man that would do that. Also, crazy is a polite way of describing this woman. No sane woman would be so obsessed as to spend countless hours, and make hundreds of posts every day, for the sole purpose of blindly attacking men she doesn't know. These are serious anger issues of a disturbed woman and intended to be payback for some form of abuse she suffered from a man early in her life. It's pretty bizarre, but there are people out there like that. Never really saw one on a forum though. In real life she resides in a Western country, probably doesn't speak with very many real people on a daily basis, barely ever goes outside, does some sort of remote work for a living, and was probably badly abused by her father as a child. Some mental health treatment might help, but all the aggressive hatred she projects at people all day, by attacking them from behind a keyboard, clearly hasn't had any positive effect on her psyche. The amount of constant anger and frustration in her tone also shows signs of a particular type that eventually could go postal and fall completely over the edge.
  9. Most of the people posting here are retired, wealthy, and were born with a penis. How did you end up here? Got some bad intel I guess. Sh*t happens.
  10. Right. And the winners go to bars serving stale draft beer. Or ladyboy hunting on Soi 6/1, right Bonnie?
  11. Love it or hate it, it was an institution at one time. Back in the day, the Nana Disco was as much of a destination as any of the other after hours places in Bangkok and it rated high on the BKK nightlife scene. Trink and Stickman were regular there too I think.
  12. Seeing 60+ year old foreign men walking hand in hand with 20 year old Thai girls or boys doesn't even phase you. Seeing 5 people on one motorcycle all wearing flip-flops and no helmets seems perfectly normal to you. Seeing people chomping on deep fried insects doesn't even get a head turn from you anymore. Seeing at least one guy wearing makeup (and dressed in full drag) in every Thai TV variety show seems perfect. Seeing 25 people riding in the back of one pick-up truck with the tailgate hanging down seems like a great way to travel.
  13. Stopping at the dry cleaners on your way home from work has been replaced with going for a short time and still getting home in time for dinner.
  14. Post photos or it didn't happen.
  15. I'm ready. Let's do this!
  16. I just got one of these. Amazing value. It is some sort of light metal. Perhaps aluminum. I was only expecting plastic for that price. And works nice. I assume all the tiny holes will get plugged up with sediment eventually and then it will be tough to clean. Let's see.
  17. Which of these 5 do you reckon would make the best wife? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9ZHqf2yYvv
  18. Nice. For guys like you I probably should also have a long-time option for a 3rd round in the evening.
  19. Not bad. I’ve had better.
  20. Bob Smith recommended these.
  21. You'll need to borrow 5 Baht from bob smith.
  22. Every Pattaya stool shiner's dream.
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