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Everything posted by FriscoKid

  1. Following is in an edited version of your OP. Can you deny that this has much greater readability? --- Dear Friends, The recent tragedy abroad has been overwhelming, perhaps due to the victims’ youth, the randomness of the event, and the fact that these young people were simply pursuing their dreams of experiencing a foreign country for the first time. A well-planned first trip abroad can be invaluable for personal growth. In my view, homestay programs, such as those in Japan, offer a safer, more enriching experience than unsupervised activities. These programs provide cultural immersion, language training, and connections that often last a lifetime. When I was younger, I stayed with families in Japan and Taiwan. The friendships I formed are still strong today. Living with a host family allows for deep cultural understanding in a safe environment, unlike other less structured gap-year activities. Japan, in particular, is a country that prioritizes safety, and Japanese families often welcome guests out of a genuine interest in cultural exchange, not financial gain. I urge parents to consider homestay programs for their children. They’re safer, culturally enriching, and can even enhance résumés. Japan, with its safety and welcoming culture, is an ideal destination. For those interested, here are a few programs to explore: https://homestay-in-japan.com/ https://homestayinjapan.com/ Best regards, Gamma
  2. How did you reach that conclusion? That sounds like another self fulfilling prophecy to me. Which is defined as what, other than terribly poor use of the written English language? Prove it. I doubt you're capable of writing anything that would be considered well thought out and properly constructed written English. If you had any real respect for others on this forum then you would be more selective about the topics that you post and you would make an effort to write in a way that doesn't challenge other readers so much. Presumably you're not really capable of writing good English, thus, as I suggested, rely upon an AI editor in order to help you to improve.
  3. Aimed at whom and for what purpose? Did someone tell you that there are a large number of people reading posts in The Pub who are looking for sound advice on sending their children abroad, particularly to Japan for a cultural visit? Obviously not. So it’s just your own bizarre thoughts combined with a self-fulfilling prophecy and you are basically just babbling. Look at the topics in The Pub that get the most views and comments. That will give you a better idea of what people are interested in reading and discussing. Almost all the most viewed posts have to do with sex, aging, bar girls, Thai marriage problems, ladyboys, etc. Done. You could also seriously benefit from learning some skills on how to write using proper sentence structure, grammar, spacing, line breaks, etc., so that it isn’t so challenging and laborious for people to read your scribblings. The best thing you can do before posting something is run it through ChatGPT and ask it to edit, condense, and shorten your text. You can learn a lot that way about how to improve your writing skills, which are frankly nonexistent and resemble the thought patterns of someone with chronic cognitive issues.
  4. Psyllium Husk 👍🏼
  5. Indeed. No worries, I'll be your friend. Just so you know, my boobs are off limits though.
  6. Lemon! Who would have ever thunked it?
  7. Wow, sad, so you don't have any friends either?
  8. Wow, you're clever. It was obviously a joke.
  9. But at least problem solved, right?
  10. Is that working well for you?
  11. Mate, prices are impotent.
  12. How often you might wake up to pee during the night depends on how much water you drink throughout the day, especially before bed. I usually get up to pee 2-3 times. Totally normal. Not necessarily a prostate issue.
  13. Wow, nice. How fortunate. How much extra does she normally charge for that?
  14. How could she not realize she's won the sh*t bag lottery? I mean, really, how many women in this world have the great fortune of being blessed with a husband that they can regularly clean up after he sh*ts the bed 2 to 3 times per week?
  15. She is truly a lucky gal. She really has won the farang kinok lottery. Who would have thunked it would be so easy for her. She must be bragging to all her jealous friends.
  16. Every time I finish busting a nut with the latest rented minger of the day, the whole bed is totally wet. I thought that was the intended outcome though, literally?
  17. I fully agree. He should totally stop consuming any type of fluids or liquids at all for at least a few weeks. Presumably that should fix the problem.
  18. And Trump has been wetting his geriatric diapers a lot lately. Seems you and him have a lot in common.
  19. So let me get this straight. This elderly alcoholic, whose children don't even went to speak with him (for some unknown reason) will be going to the Philippines with GG (a person with issues himself and who knows nothing firsthand about romantic relationships with SE Asian women) for a week and within that time is planning to help him to find the love of his life. Meanwhile, this old drunken man already lives in Pattaya, where there are tens of thousands of single and available women looking for foreign partners, and for some bizarre reason, he can't seem to find one there, but yet will find one in the Philippines instead? What could possibly go wrong?
  20. Good for her. She figured out her limit and won't exceed it again. Like anything else in this world, even too much of a good thing isn't good. Great for people who use it in moderation, reap the benefits, and know their tolerance level and establish a limit. But bad when people abuse it.
  21. Cost of living is very low to me in Thailand compared to the West. Just gotta mop more. Mop till you drop. Or go hang out in the Manila subways. I heard it's the most fun anyone can ever have.
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