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Everything posted by FriscoKid

  1. You told us before that you and your wife sleep in separate bedrooms because she has bad breath and that you don't hammer her anymore because she's fat. But if you did throw her one every now and again then that would be bisexuality.
  2. You are in the perfect place then. Can pay someone to torture you at any time. So no need to look elsewhere. Hopefully you just don't get David Carradined.
  3. Two men with penises having sex together is homosexuality. Wearing makeup and women's clothing doesn't change that. Just sayin.
  4. Too old. Wont happen.
  5. He's crazed and too old.
  6. You are.
  7. She was giving you a freebie because you are such a good customer. How ungrateful!
  8. I can confidently, unequivocally, and with absolute certainty, fully confirm that I didn't read one single word, talk-less of a single syllable, of the entire OP. I wanted to be the first to tell you that without any confusion.
  9. That wasn't the question. You asked me if Thailand should be sanctioned. And I ask you how and on the basis of what? You didn't answer. I also asked you if not being a real democracy is a crime (in regards to whether Thailand should be sanctioned). The answer is no, Thailand shouldn't be sanctioned on that basis because you end up punishing an innocent population. Your 14 million Thais is a completely separate question. That problem should be handled internally. They just did it successfully in Bangladesh without any outside intervention.
  10. In what way and on what basis? Is not being a real democracy a crime?
  11. OMG, you gotta be sh*tting me. Coming from the geezer who couldn't get laid in Pattaya with a fist full of fifties. Buwahahahaha. The last thing the crazed mop-pusher, who cruises for gay hookups at midnight in the Manila underground, wants to be doing is to try and troll anyone. Lol. Your way deep in over your head mop-man. Go back to sniffing toxic floor cleaning chemicals and call me when your next 12 hour dirty floor cleaning shift is over.
  12. It's a developing country. Big difference. But your original question was nothing about it being developed or not, nor is that the point. Yes, very much to the contrary. And if you are speaking about democracy, Thailand is very far from being an actual democracy by any measure of democracy in the West. So it's all a very pointless comparison. Thailand doesn't have free and fair elections. The constitutional court, controlled by the military, has also wrongly dissolved 7 major political parties over the last 30 years. That isn't democracy. Case closed.
  13. The comparison can't be made. You're asking what would happen in a real democracy in a Western country. Obviously it wouldn't be tolerated in the West. But to compare it to what goes on in a banana republic, in a mock democracy, where the majority of the population is of a peasant class, where there is no freedom of speech, where dissidents are openly silenced, and everything is actually controlled by a military dictatorship, is completely pointless.
  14. At my age, I'll be the first to admit that I seriously did not read even a single word of this post.
  15. First to confirm that I did not read any of this post.
  16. Canadians have penises too?
  17. Can't be relied upon. Last time he forgot to bring it. How's the party going? Has the ladyboy orgy started yet?
  18. Sure. But that has no legal validity.
  19. Sure! You got lube?
  20. You've already been wrong twice and now your grasping at straws.
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