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  1. I seem not to have any possibility of clicking on an emoticon! Why is this? How can I restore my emoticons?
  2. Do please can you tell,us the details of your allowances? Thank you!
  3. No, it is not that simple: proportions etc. need to be calculated! Please read the DTA in detail for the necessary calculations.
  4. Yes indeed! Very many thanks for this detailed description of reality. it is probably the only fact- and experience-based account in this whole enormous thread!
  5. One of many thousands, no doubt!
  6. Please everyone note that this url is both incomplete and possibly inaccurate! But I have an agent just round the corner who can fix it all, at half their prices, so No Problem. probably best to get the orgiginal detailed requirements from the UK website!
  7. So what is the $-sign doing here? Just hanging out, maybe.
  8. I have never, in 20 years, paid that much for good quality glasses in Thailand! Find a better dealer/optometrist.
  9. Yes, the large branch on North Pattaya Road have been very good to me over decades now! Some medicines are still expensive,, but that is in most cases and “absolute”.
  10. But that does not change the language/script used within the map, does it?
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