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Everything posted by Unamerican

  1. No it is not! It is paid from general taxation. The relationship to your NI contributions is only in the decision on whether you are paid a state pension and how much (but the latter is affected by many other factors too).
  2. No, this is absolutely nothing to do with anything from the US OF A !!!!
  3. Please can you PM me too with this information as I am near to Pattaya. TIA.
  4. What exactly is an “administrator of assets”? Thank you.
  5. What is not the case? How do you know?
  6. Or, as in bob’s case, simply total loonies!
  7. Which left, and where, would that be?
  8. What has the US got to do with the inhabitants of Thailand??
  9. At present the UK DWP pension is not taxed in the UK. Mine is! (as I have large SERPS extras). Just not “at source”: the tax (a lot!) is collected by deductions (paye) on other income sources.
  10. So please tell us what the DTA does say about U.K. income!
  11. There is indeed a “similar document” for the U.K. but its contents are markedly different. Please do not confuse this issue by posting such facts that are totally unrelated to the facts for U.K. taxpayers.
  12. Good for you! A little investigate work will do you no great harm. I guess it is a generational thing.
  13. What “new rules”? And the advice is to “bring your own” only when/where this is permitted.. I and it even tells us which publication! — The Mirror.
  14. Whose summer?? No such thing in Thailand.
  15. What does that mean?
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