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Everything posted by BobDobbs

  1. Trump? Are you in bangkok? You care to make a wager on that?
  2. Taksin is no friend of farang despite the west sheltering and harboring the fugitive. UAE as well but...and own in the UK football club. We can't even own half a rai land. Seriously, screw this guy
  3. He's just gonna do an 'Obama' run everything from behind the scenes although I have serious doubts the reds can cling on to power. They're doing such a horrible job Prayut's earlier years were better. I see reds having lost it all to mfp. The only people clinging on are those that have some sort of direct vested interest. The only reason they're in power is because of (ill)legal wrangling
  4. I kind of agree with this although what he did up country with his war on drugs.. that's pretty much crimes against humanity. You had drug dealers calling the cops on one another and cops raining gunfire down on innocent families without any sort of due process. Thousands dead and yet look where the situation is now?
  5. Mayer Amschel Rothschild Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
  6. Just looks like greed to me. If I understood the story correctly when I did read it a Thai person possibly provided // procured the poison. That's unfortunate if the the poisoner would have got the substance in Vietnam it would be a lot more vague and elusive and Thailand would be completely off the hook. I think the deal went bad - got scammed, someone was going to get killed. Therefore, she killed the lot of them rather than return the investment money.
  7. Given the extremity of the issue I think wasting a bit of water in a building in which condos cost to 10 million baht a unit might be advantageous
  8. I'm sure chlorine would work just fine. It's perfectly drinkable or consumable in the correct quantities
  9. We've known since forever the cops are in on all of this just like the call centers. It's just legal mafia. In an article I might have even read here. A policeman was yammering on about how years ago a meth tablet was 350 B now it is 5B. Guess it's time for the Taksin solution?? 😢😳😱
  10. I'd challenge most of that anecdotal stuff in the article especially within the last year or two. Almost like the stories are made up or in some sort of Time Warp. Within each account is something truthful but it's surrounded by a lot of other opinion that I really question. London and France clearly not good times. Panama and Brazil are known to have issues. I've heard for decades that Costa Rica is plenty fed up with gringos. I'd be looking at the Adriatic coast six months and SEA six months. I've been really unhappy with Thailand as of late. I'm not going to get Thai govt SSO insurance after paying in seven years over nonsense technicality. Officially absolutely nothing the Thailand extends to expatriots, even married to make them welcome and at home. Americans are plenty smart. Look at the GDP, income per GDP, median, best universities. But when you have leftists ruining the fabric of education for decades, onerous barriers to entry for small business. Illegal immigration has been devastating. Unionized Federal, state, education. Most of all the trillions in foreign aid especially to Israel and propping up the surrounding countries. Maga is just the symptom.
  11. And? You think transport will be halted or you just can't deal with the Big Mango 🥭?
  12. This is fairly serious. Sex is a messy affair. Syphilis back on roster now with monkeypox 🐒 🐒 🐒
  13. I recall reading other stories about a UAE airline that was charging first class passengers full freight but the seats were totally substandard. It was very similar to this story. I have a bit of empathy. Whether she is a social media dolly or a beauty queen is beside the point although this situations are perfect set-up for media types to whinge. We see it all the time now
  14. If he can do this they should build a statue in monument to him in every park I have severe doubts
  15. This is very sad. The number might be so high due to the war and instability in the country. I certainly hope so. I've been to Myanmar a number of times totally about 6 months and I have never met more lovely people. Very possibly more than the Lao.
  16. Naw, they'll just try to get the MFA lawyers to sue the publication. When that isn't possible they will blacklist any name they can associate with the article 👍
  17. I'm guessing that a 40 year old loser teacher having been caught teaching on a TR and without a work permit would have received harsher treatment and penalties. Amirite? The really hilarious thing is how everyone was all up in arms about the Chinese being written on the billboard. These stupid jingoists.. the idea that you have to get some sort of permission to post in a different language it also stated in another article that they weren't interested in necessarily and approving what was being posted by just that they could post in another language lol. Drive down any freeway in Southern California and I imagine you'll probably see you three or four different languages.
  18. Yes, crackdown on online operations. Fair enough and many of them might even be International syndicates. What I find is quite ironic is the gambling dens or you go to personally gamble seem to be business as usual although we haven't heard of some big busts or some corrupt cops in... a few months 😂
  19. This reminds me of the construction company (??) that went bankrupt over non payment and decades of legal wrangling of the elevated highway built heading out of Bangkok. Had an odd western name as I recall. Wonder how Srettas stupid money giveaway to the plebs (some 14B THB was it?) will be affected 🤣🤣 not. Thailand better get its economic shi+ together. It's losing handily to regional neighbors, personal and public debts are absolutely out of control. The private debt is something like 90% GDP. The education system is an absolute disaster therefore they are unable to produce much innovation or even involve themselves and high technology and industry. Meanwhile all of the oligarchs and players stab each other in the back over control of government and its purse. I think they are in real danger of breaking something that cannot be fixed. Seniors and their care also something to be considered. They must pay it. Who will build anything or loan them any money?
  20. Use newpipe for Android (phone) 👍👍👍👍
  21. You just got to get out and look but if you're looking for a tiny little apartment renting for 4 to $6 on THB you're going to have a difficult time with the management unless you speak fluent time. I expect as soon as you ask they will say - tehm laew. Full
  22. Does she want any of your money to make any of this happen? Just curious.
  23. Eldercare facilities and I'm not talking about the punters
  24. I could use one too. Money earned in Thailand. Thanks
  25. After a long brutal day on my feet at work I often gave up my seat and proud to do so because the civility in Thailand is leaps and bounds ahead of that in the West.
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