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Everything posted by OneManShow

  1. A day Monkey hunting per year will control the population.
  2. Presidents are not decision makers, especially regarding long term international policies.
  3. Another attack story coming soon.
  4. They are made in China. That's why they are cheap. mid you buy from "central", expensive made in France.
  5. Men show their abilities/talents (criminal actions by jealousy) from young ages.
  6. There must be a reason for such reaction. Sounds like demanding Chinese tourists pissed him off.
  7. No political agreement was made to secure my return I've heard lots of political BS, but this one is absolutely unique. 🤔
  8. When someone hits a "dead end".🤔
  9. What I understand is nothing is dangerous here till something goes wrong deadly that is already too late.
  10. Not sure if Tom Bradly toilets (nasty) are enough to handle the traffic fot "Olympic" !!! 🤔
  11. The only reason that Stoped me from moving to Costa Rica was safety, otherwise I would be there 15 years ago. Not for everyone.
  12. Who are these "Kuwaitis tourists" ? Really 🤔 I don't think they are tourists. This is a long story problem that even police failed to solve it by contacting their embassy.
  13. I used to have a gf who owned this type of cheap condo near Don Muang. The problem is if you renovate it still you have cheap neighbors.
  14. Private sector jobs are not as secure as government's.
  15. I thought all numbers need to be registered years ago !!!!
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