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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. You were wrong the first time you lectured me about Bitcoin, you will continue to be wrong and theres nothing you can do about it
  2. Trudeau said nothing about the violent pro palestine riots. Trumps not going to listen to a word that guy says. Trudeau doesnt care about Canada
  3. It will in 2026, but will keep making you very uncomfortable in 2025
  4. No unfortunately, i had kids. Now i have to do the responsible thing and live in the west
  5. Trudeau shouldnt be in charge much longer. Hes in support of terrorists, hes got to go
  6. Most importantly, he sabotaged Kamalas campaign. Joe is alright by me
  7. I was served raw chicken at one of those popular jeffers steak restaurants in a mall. Surprised i didnt get sick and would be surprised if it didnt happen alot
  8. I had that fear while driving in bangkok sometimes. That cement pillars would just fall on top of me
  9. You are an october 7th denier. Realize what you are
  10. You are morally corrupt, not rational
  11. You have no right to decide what is revisionist history you hypocrite
  12. Well i agree with this actually, i hope they do this in USA. would save me the trouble of explaining to my children why i wont buy them a smartphone
  13. I dont even believe you have a political affiliation. You just spend your time here fighting the common sense cause
  14. The left and their defense of terrorists makes me sick. How are 100% of the west not on the same page. The reason for decline is obvious
  15. If you think that Trump has no impact on british peoples opinion of their govt, think again. Starmers approval rating dropped the most after Nov 6
  16. The thai PM is just a puppet
  17. UKs current govt should just step down. Trump and Musk will put the great back in britain
  18. Im not sure. Can they really pivot from being pro-islam? They didnt seem to think that one through
  19. Very sad. The more i read here the less i trust thailands medical care
  20. What kind of logic is that! Its like youve accepted that arabic will be englands first language in a few decades
  21. Almost as confusing as your hatred against jews and ya know, not the people who have taken over your country
  22. Not that he will but i hope trump cuts everyone off. A new age of american isolationism. Everyone else will be poor and cant blame america and americans for their problems anymore
  23. Are you rich? And do you live in Thailand. Case in point. Youd have to be an absolute moron to even risk it
  24. I bet any acknowledgement from the US that they exist would be a win in Thailands book
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