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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Your ideology has been rejected by America though, what you think is best for our country is irrelevant. Your candidate lost
  2. You seem more of an asset to China than to us
  3. And i can see you are not american, so your opinion means little to me
  4. Are you american? Seems you favor chinas best interests, not ours
  5. Im a libertarian and can still admit that if tariffs were taken off chinese goods then the american auto business wouldnt survive
  6. The amount of votes she got is disturbing
  7. The tariffs were kept by biden, and only concerns small minded people. The issue is inflation. Hopefully Trump can follow Ron Pauls advice on how to decrease the deficit and keep inflation at a non insane level like the last four years
  8. About time. Why didnt she do it his first term
  9. Stupid because it describes yourself too well?
  10. Social media is my guess. It messed me up
  11. If you lefties wanted some checks and balances on trump then you shouldve been more competent these last four years. Only yourselves to blame
  12. Anyone that takes their motorbike to go anywhere past the 7-11 across the block takes that risk
  13. I have trouble believing that trump has the time to take a phone call from thailands unelected leader
  14. Trump isnt responsible for any of the wars going on and things can only improve from the disastrous last four years, as uncomfortable as that makes you
  15. We need a make the uk great again movement going. The articles coming from there always make me depressed
  16. I plan on retiring in thailand as long as the country hasnt become unlivable by the time im old
  17. I understand that nobody has sex there. Are you not aware of the pervert problem that country has?
  18. Cant expect a terrorist supporter and history revisionist like yourself to understand that the war wasnt caused by israel. Why do people take you seriously on american politics? Youre brainwashed
  19. I can understand why this happens in japan but in thailand? Easy enough to get what you want without breaking the law
  20. How about you? You American? How does it feel knowing that OP has a better understanding of our politics than you?
  21. They hand out nobel prizes like candy. Obama got one and he doesnt even know why
  22. For someone to be a career politician is usually enough of a red flag of their intentions. The goal is to have an uncorrupt government
  23. No journalist ever wrote how harris was not qualified to be president. Dont know why anyone should care about their opinion
  24. I see those in hiding found the courage to start posting again today. The forum just got dumber
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