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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Stories like this one make me want to stop fighting this ideological war online. I dont really care whos right and wrong. When your life ends up like above then theres no privilege of discussing your opinion online
  2. Do muslims assimilate well? You should be more aware of that considering whats happened to your home country. Have you even met a jewish person before?
  3. Youve been proven wrong enough times with your jew hating and terrorist sympathizing, you are probably surprised yourself anyone will respond to you
  4. I had this problem in thailand, fortunately it was a rented house and we just left. The flies would lay eggs in the shower drain and the bathroom would have caterpillar larvae crawling everywhere
  5. Me and mine are halfway there. Im not tempted to find someone else because they are basically all the same
  6. The forum was alot louder until the election happened. Now the usual left posters are gone, its reached equilibrium
  7. Rated about right. They think like children, but not victims of feminism so less chance of divorce
  8. Like dogs running away with tails in between their legs. All of them
  9. Thailand and china make a great team, at working together to destroy the planet
  10. Out of hiding already?
  11. Not worth the risk to snorkle and see some island beaches. Thailand has no liability for deceased tourists
  12. heres hoping that a thai pickup driver will plow you over on your scooter. Nobody to blame
  13. You are inferior to jews though, or else you wouldnt hold this hatred
  14. Whatever someone like @On-my-way-Home has wrong with their life, must be someone elses fault.
  15. The blame would have to go to someone. Most likely whites
  16. If thailand deserves a nuke its only because it seems to always attract your type
  17. I acknowledge that climate change may be an issue. What i dont agree with is shaming westerners when our countries are already green
  18. A homestay in japan is how i was introduced to Asia. Japan became boring after a while and i found Thailand. The rest is history
  19. The only true democracy left on the planet. Stick to thailands kiddie politics for your own credibility
  20. Why does it bother you so much? This forum after the election is already low traffic as it is. Give him a break
  21. Youre pathetic. If youre american thats even more pathetic
  22. Why did you feel the need to create a new account? Couldnt face random internet strangers after being exposed as a nutcase?
  23. I am sad, yet you had to create a new account to hide your shame, Danderman
  24. The results speak for themselves. Less stupid posts like yours on the forum after you guys lost. Works the same in real life too
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