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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Spidermike is the biggest hypocrite ive seen on the forum. Second place isn’t particularly close
  2. It will be frustrating for him/them, hoping for disaster and nothing happening
  3. I would think the anti Americans of this forum would take a more reserved approach after trump got elected. At least for the next four years, there will be nothing but losses for you
  4. Might as well just send your kid to one of the free government schools, if this is what you get for your money
  5. The guy you quoted is never right. His post history shows hes been wrong about all his beliefs up to this point. Highly unlikely this topic is an exception
  6. Elon Musk is in a minority of using his money to make the world a better place. If he keeps getting richer id say its well deserved. Better than that money going to a lefty
  7. I really cant afford it, only someone with nothing to lose could afford to live there
  8. Elon Musk is the hero that the west needs, not necessarily the one it deserves
  9. And the way its going nobody will want to be there. It will just be you the chinese russians and muslims. Good luck
  10. Youre friends with the scum, and enemies with your own kind. The worst kind of traitor, and an IQ low enough to group all Americans together, the most diverse country on the planet
  11. The only ones who agree with you is the thai govt. the people dealing with them learn the hard way
  12. Chiang mai is another city i wouldve considered living a decade ago, but not now
  13. Thailands biggest misfortune is their location. Chinese and russian tourists are driving away everyone else. Those countries are ranked one and two biggest parasites on earth
  14. A big deterrent for me being in thailand. The south beach areas used to be the best parts of thailand, not anymore
  15. This guy hates Jews and Americans, and every thread he posts in gets likes from liberals. He said trump had no chance of winning. Its likely everything he believes is wrong
  16. 555 this guy telling others of their failures
  17. Sure would be nice. The trip currently is brutal for me. 3 connecting flights totalling 24 hours
  18. Strong as in, able to go against a mans biological programming. I would say unnatural is more accurate description
  19. Sometimes i used to think about becoming rich so i could help my wife and her family. Haha…how silly i was
  20. Yeah no seatbelts either. My wifes family members looked at me as though i were on drugs when i told them to buckle my child up
  21. If enough people refuse to pay a different price to the point where thailand was losing money, it would change. And i believe with the internet that this is possible
  22. If all foreigners would to be aware, and not participate, thailand would have no choice but to change
  23. The fact you would side with a known jew hating troll says everything about you and the left in general. Thank god you guys lost
  24. No lefties to be seen in this thread. Theyre all too busy persecuting the good rich people like elon musk
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