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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. The country is a laughingstock and the world is on the brink of WW3
  2. Its so common that it turns all the kids there into subservient dogs. Questioning authority will leave your child either disabled or too scared to amount to anything
  3. I had the intention of living with my family in thailand until we started taking my daughter to daycare. One of the teachers there smacked her wrist on the first day. I see thai people doing the same thing to dogs. They don’t differentiate between dogs and children there. We live in the US now but if we ever move back to Thailand we will homeschool. Child abuse is an ancient custom there i doubt new laws will have much of an effect
  4. Thank you Joe. You made the country worse with your incompetence the last four years but at least you had the heart to give America hope for the future
  5. I think my point flew over your head. The opinion of anyone with conviction enough to bet money holds alot more weight than the posters here
  6. The value is that people are willing to bet their own money on the result, a big step above what anyone on this forum has the balls to do
  7. It was you who acknowledged that i post here during american hours. You speak out of willful ignorance
  8. Who are you trying to convince? If your words were genuine there would be no need to make this thread
  9. @Danderman123 has already called trump the loser. Should anyone bother going out to vote anymore?
  10. Hes already stated that trump has lost. And then sometimes he changes his mind about it
  11. Youve stated repeatedly that trump has already lost. Would you put money on it? Why is your prediction better than theirs?
  12. British expatriates in thailand may not need him. You dont speak for the best interests of the average American
  13. And if he does? Will you keep telling us we are disconnected from reality?
  14. Very few people in this forum besides me live in the US. Some people with opinions about american politics have never even been to the US. Never take anything you read here seriously. A month ago this forum felt very strongly in a Harris win, but the sentiment is only according to things they read online, which are also fabricated
  15. The only election indicator one needs. Watch bitcoin head to 80k after trump wins
  16. Its fun and games reading about it here until it happens to you or someone you know. You think things are safe in thailand until theyre not
  17. Looks like american politics seems unfavorable to you now so you shift your focus to trolling. Pathetic
  18. This is quite silly considering the amount of road deaths and air pollution the country has. The nicest thing about a country shouldnt be its airport
  19. Bitcoin right now is thinking trumps won. 100k by december?
  20. Its not one giving a bad name to the religion when it happens so often
  21. Tell that to the extreme left thats infecting public education
  22. That state needs to be investigated big time. Doesnt feel legit
  23. You know i speak only of arabs in the middle east, you operate out of willful ignorance. A trip to iran might snap you out of it if you get out alive
  24. The world will be dust with Kamala. But what does anybody care about that if we can have abortions right?
  25. Muslims voting republican doesnt make sense much like jews voting democrat
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