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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. I dont follow social media “influencers”. Complete waste of time
  2. Ill reference your post at election time when bitcoin climbs to 100k
  3. Neither do i, but i dont consume american media. The reality is that america was wayyy better in 2016-2020
  4. Im not gonna lie, if i were russian id be out partying in phuket. <deleted> dying for putin, this war is for his ego
  5. Dems can claim to be the uniters. Fact is they censor the opposition. The media is their weapon
  6. Trump has a track record as president for four years. Its a good one. No wars, low inflation. Americans are voting for trump because the country is unaffordable. Socialism has failed. You dont listen though youd prefer to hang on to your biases
  7. Dont spoil thailand for him. He probably has nothing to go back to
  8. He could stay in his room from now until the election and still win
  9. Undocumented immigrants voting democrats means that america is no longer a functioning democracy if one party has complete control over everything. That will be a true disaster unfolding like whats occured in europe
  10. The choice this time is very simple. I am an independent voter and I think other independents see the better choice. When trump is the winner feel free to think the world is <deleted>, but the time period when he was president was relatively good compared to now
  11. So you would understand why trump is the rational choice for america then. We dont want any more undocumented immigrants who are only let in to vote democrat
  12. “He is crazy and many other bad things”. like most rational americans, i only care about results and i vote whats best for my country. I dont let other peoples opinions sway from reality because thats all the media is, its fake and consumers of it like you are gullible and will believe anything that conforms to your bias such as the US being the ones who are responsible for covid. i think i know more about europe than you do. Doesnt sound like youve been back to your home country in a really long time. I think reality would shock you
  13. If he knows i dont think he cares. His opinions are lazy as anyone that is far removed from western culture
  14. I dont watch any news. I am american and you are not. Feel free to express your opinion but dont expect anyone to value it
  15. You really cant control other people though. You yourself probably know what would be better for America, but like most other posters here i think youd rather see it burn to the ground. I guarantee you that wouldnt make your life in thailand any better
  16. I dont know who the better person is, i dont know either of them. I know who the better president will be, and thats who im voting for. Your feelings about a person is generated by journalists who hate him. November will decide if america becomes europe or if its delayed another four years
  17. I think the only ones that would associate the word fact with that conspiracy theory is the CCP. Most of Europe is run by liberals if you havent noticed, which is turning alot of Europeans into far right nationalists. We are trying to prevent this in the US
  18. So i assume you would like the US to be like China then. Sacrifice freedom so that nobody has differing opinions
  19. And what superior country do you come from? And do you also live in thailand to escape the failed experiment your country has become?
  20. How would you know? You dont live here. If you did and saw what things cost now youd go back to thailand. Shameless propaganda
  21. I saw you posted a link in a thread about covid to propaganda about how the lab in wuhan was funded by the US. you seem to be biased, just my perspective. Europe is in a lot worse shape
  22. My experience with thai doctors is that they give you medication to treat symptoms without addressing the root cause of the symptom. Its a good analogy for how everything works in that country
  23. It certainly made an impact on this election. One less media controlled by the left
  24. The explanation is that trump thinks hes winning so no need to pander anymore. Everyone knows his policies already
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