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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Its either you support jews or muslims. Democrats choose muslims. I can assure you all that muslims dont support us
  2. To democrats it just matters how many jews are voting democrat. To me its, why should jews vote democrat? Its the same for all other minorities. People are figuring out whats in their best interest. Not all, but probably enough to win it for trump
  3. Those dark skinned folks want all white skinned folks dead, not just jews. Better them than us. You may think of them as humans, to them you are an infidel
  4. I guess these college kids yelling from the river to the sea isnt as alarming as trump, who has done more for jews than any president in history
  5. Jews still voting democrat are not very well informed. Maybe theyve missed everything going on in the country since Oct. 7 and how the left has reacted to it
  6. Sounds very fake. The lefts antisemitism is very real. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of jews votes for trump this time
  7. More jews are voting republican than in 2020. That goes for all minorities
  8. Your vote will be as meaningless as the campaigning youve done on this forum
  9. This is why expats here want Harris to win? For a better exchange rate? I can assure you the rate wont be good when theres WW3
  10. His advisors. DEI people him and the democrat party chose to make decisions while he took naps. Thats why everything is in the toilet now
  11. So you know how i feel. You have no idea what youre talking about with american politics. Best stick with thailands corruption, its very transparent and suits your intellectual capacity
  12. Whatever you say “liverpool” lou. allahu ahkbar
  13. Do Europeans speak Arabic now? I dont think youd know, you havent been there.
  14. Who are you? Another non american? Who gives a <deleted> what you think
  15. I dont really care, all i know is your opinion on american politics is complete garbage and is clear you deserve thailands government
  16. Its obvious to anyone with a brain the only way democrats can win now is due to voter fraud
  17. Im not democrat and i dont consider russia as friends. They certainly dont see us as their friends
  18. Taylor swift has already said she would leave the country if trump won. Im hoping the rest of these celebrities do too. Maybe they can all go live in thailand
  19. Good for you buddy. Whatever gets your mind off of the world collapsing around you
  20. Its a shame. It would be such an easier choice to live there if the air were clean
  21. Are these analysts thai people? Their record of predicting stuff isnt too good ive noticed
  22. Im not going to call her dumb but if she is smart it definitely doesnt show when she speaks.
  23. Better question you being from the UK how have british citizens quality of life been since opening up to migrants?
  24. Thats nice. Could you tell China and India? They are causing most of the problem
  25. Only way Harris can win anymore is voter fraud
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